Part 1

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Two o-clock in the morning was not an hour that I appreciated. I much preferred to be asleep in my bed like the rest of the population. But, I was not-and am not-like the normal population. I'm an Agent, to be specific, an Agent of SHIELD. And when Nick Fury calls, it's not something you can ignore. So, there I was, walking down the neon-lit halls of the aircraft, looking somewhat presentable as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and wondered what on earth he could possibly have wanted.

The doors to his office opened, and I almost did a double take. I knew Natasha of course, she and I had the opportunity to get acquainted when I first joined SHIELD. But I had not had the pleasure of meeting Steve Rogers, or any of the other people who were standing in the room. I'd be lying if said I didn't flush a little as I stared at the well proportioned specimens that were looking at me

“Agent Jenner, come in.” Nick called as the doors closed with a dull thud.

I pulled up straighter and walked towards him with my usual assurance “What is so important that you had to haul me out of my bed and aboard this flying tin can, when I am supposed to be on vacation?”

Nick pointed to the people around the room by way of explanation. “Gentlemen, meet Agent Tae Jenner. Jenner, meet Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, David Banner and...Thor.”

I eyed each one of them closely as Nick pointed them out. I had heard the names during my time at SHIELD but it was something else entirely to meet them.

Stark stepped forward and taking my hand in his, brought it to his lips with a charming grin. “A pleasure,” he said.

“Mr. Stark.” I acknowledged him with an inclination of my head and a light smile. Charming indeed.

Steve reached out to shake my hand, nodding his head and allowing a smile to lift his mouth. “Pleasure to meet you ma'am,” he said.

Thor gave me a fleeting glance, but returned his gaze to the window where it had been before.

I looked at Nick, eyebrow raised. “You called me here just to introduce me?”

He leaned back in his chair, folded his hands on his stomach and cocked his head. “Partly. This is your new team for the time being.”

“I usually work alone Nick,” I said.

“But there's been a change of plans. Now you'll be part of the Avengers.”

“The Avengers?” I raised my eyebrow and chuckled. “You want me to join a group of superheroes?”

“Sort of,” Natasha spoke up from the corner of the desk where she'd been perched. “There is a specific task that we want you to cover.”

Nick stood and motioned to the door. “Come with me.”

The rest of us filed out the door, Dr. Banner I noticed stayed behind. As we walked down the echoing corridors Nick began his briefing.

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