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116 16 55

Maharani - Queen
Baba - Father
Senapati - Commander general of the army
Darban - The doorkeeper

May God have mercy on the people who come in the Queen's way because she won't.


THE wind howled in her ears accompanied by the cool breezes, whispering as if spilling all its secrets to her. The horses scudded through the large grassy planes. A screeching sound filled the evening pink sky and soon drowned the sound of horses galloping against the ancient soil as the palace gates were pulled open by the servants.

They had returned. They had returned worn out and wounded but they had returned victorious. An army led by the deadly Maharani herself had entered the Raanpura palace.

After two years of relentless planning, learning and conquering, the Maharani had finally done it - the Maharani had slayed the enemies who had dared to fight against her and her people, she had silenced every voice which had threatened to demolish her dominion down. The Maharani had returned with her army and she had returned triumphant.

Because today, at last, the Maharani had finally avenged her baba's death - the Maharani had ultimately conquered Mahapuram, the very city which had caused her baba to leave her.

Akira got off her chestnut brown horse, running a hand through its mane affectionately, silently thanking the animal for its companionship. She handed over the reins to a soldier and asked him to walk the majestic beast to the horse-stable with a nod. The soldiers and various other people were scattered around the palace – some going to the infirmary to get their wounds treated while others yearning to go see their families after the war.

The queen herself looked exhausted and wounded but she acknowledged that it was a small price to pay for the happiness she was feeling. Fresh and old wounds dotted her body like constellations in the sky, stranger's blood stained her armor. Her hair strands were falling out from her braid and framing her face in an almost taunting manner. The queen walked inside the courtroom where the courtiers had gathered to greet their conquering monarch.

Much had changed in two years. The Senapati – Asim Abdallah – had passed away in a war and his position was reclaimed by his daughter – Aziza. Things were much different for Shree too now, she had become one of the Queen's advisor, working under her father's supervision. And Veer was still training, preparing to take after Akira and rule the kingdom.

As the sovereign waited outside the closed doors of the courtroom, she could hear the doorman announcing, "Maharani Akira Singh of Raanpura, Jaansaar, Ekapuram and now Mahapuram has arrived. Senapati Aziza Abdallah has also arrived."

The wide doors opened and the Maharani walked in, looking as threatening and regal as ever with her head held high in poise as her commander general – Aziza – walked just behind her.

The Queen walked to the throne - the sole of her shoes striking powerfully against the marble - and sat. The throne no longer felt erratic and foreign but rather homely as she gestured for her courtiers to sit down at their respective seats.

"After years and years of working obstinately, we have finally done it." The queen paused as a slight smirk infiltrated her features, "We have conquered Mahapuram."

The whole courtroom was engulfed by a sense of pride and relief but it only lasted long enough. The Queen raised her hand which was no longer smooth and pristine but rather wore the various battle-scars like a crest. The whole room fell silent at just her one gesture.

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