CONSTANCY - day one

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A/N: Hello! Apologies for the delay. I decided to take a break from the fangirl life to focus on irl concerns. Thank you for your patience in waiting for updates! I appreciate all the comments and will try to reply soon. I hope this chapter would make up for the long wait. 🤗
Happy reading!


In a restaurant at a beautiful coastline with mesmerizing view, Yejin and her team found themselves in an abrupt meeting right after they arrived in Nice, France. She has a two-day photoshoot for Harper's Bazaar the following days.

They had no itinerary for the day since they arrived mid-afternoon and wanted to rest in preparation for work the next day. However, the photographer and his team arranged an immediate meeting to raise their concern.

Nice, France is known for its fantastic climate, unluckily, upon checking the weather forecast, they realized there was high probability of rain on the second day of shoot.

After meeting and discussing for a solution, Yejin and her team decided to shoot everything in one day which means she'll have to do the photoshoot from early morning to late afternoon. There were concerns of her being overworked if they squeezed everything in a day but Yejin was positive that it was feasible and was the best solution to their predicament. She assured everyone that the changes were fine with her.

Contented that the issue has been settled, they went back to the hotel to regain energy from the long flight and prepare for a long day of work. While her wardrobe assistant unpacked the outfits for the shoot, Yejin dialed her phone to call Bin.

She updated him of her whereabouts and relayed the change of schedules. Sudden changes can be a hassle especially when it comes to work but Yejin's optimism boosted the energy of her workmates. Bin also considered the sudden change as a blessing in disguise.

They have been talking about her upcoming overseas photoshoot. Bin will be filming in Barcelona, Spain while Yejin will have her photoshoot in Nice, France. Looking for possibilities of meeting up, Bin checked both of their schedules. Unfortunately, his free days did not coincide with her schedule. Yejin has work on Bin's first free day.

It was unfortunate that Yejin had to work overtime, but Bin was lowkey glad about their synchronous free day. He immediately checked for direct flights which would take approximately two hours from Barcelona to Nice.

After a full day of photoshoot, Harper's Bazaar prepared a dinner reservation in a restaurant by the beach. Yejin was exhausted after changing outfits, make up, locations, and poses the entire day, but her excitement to explore the place without having to think of work gave her enough energy to enjoy the night.

Now that both are in Europe and share the same time zone, it was easier for them to communicate. Yejin went back to the hotel after the scrumptious dinner. She freshened up before going to bed, exhausted yet contented with today's hard work. Checking her phone, she read Bin's message.

"Hi, love. We finished filming an hour earlier. Hope you're enjoying France with your team."

She was happy to know that he was off work so she called him immediately.

"Hi! I missed you!" She greeted him cheerfully when the call connected. Though tired, her smile was bright and contagious which uplifted Bin's mood right away.

"Are you back in your room? Have you eaten dinner?" She wanted to ask more questions but hearing him chuckle, she paused to let him talk.

"Yes. I ordered room service for dinner." He directed his phone to the spread of food in the table. He faced the camera back to him, "I miss you too. How was your shoot?"

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