Blue Poppy

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After dinner, San Lang ended up carrying water from the stream in two buckets braced on a pole over his shoulder. While he did so, Xie Lian boiled batches of water in a giant pot, then dumped them into his wooden bathtub. Slowly but surely, their hard work paid off and the tub filled up with steaming hot water. However, then came the issue of who would take a bath first.

“It should be San Lang, you are the one who fetched all the water.” Xie Lian quickly said once he realized the problem.

“Gege should take a bath first, this is your home and I have already intruded upon your hospitality.”

Xie Lian disagreed, but reluctantly caved in. He didn’t believe that the host should take priority over the guest, but San Lang was persuasive. He went to grab clothes, two towels, and other bathing supplies. He was running low on soap beans (which had been difficult to afford in the first place), and tiredly wondered when he would get the chance to buy more. If he could get ahold of some bean flour and nice fragrances, he may be able to make some himself… (However, knowing his track record for cooking, he didn’t imagine that soap-making would go much better.)

When Xie Lian returned to the tub, he found the surface of the water teeming with floating wildflowers. They were all different sorts, vibrant blues and quiet violets and rich crimsons. Astonished, he carefully dipped a hand into the water and scooped one up, then let it slip from his fingers.

“San Lang, for me?” he asked, turning to face the other man. He didn’t dare to believe it. San Lang nodded with a smile. Xie Lian couldn’t even remember the last time that he had taken a flower bath… Fairies had a natural affinity for flowers, and bathing with them was meant to have health benefits. But San Lang couldn’t possibly have known that... right?

“Let me know when you are done,” San Lang said softly, and went to sit in the rocking chair. Facing the crackling fire, he picked up the book sitting on its arm. Xie Lian watched him for a moment, his chest warm. He snapped out of his daze and began to undress, the steam rising from the bath in twisting curls and inviting him in. Xie Lian dropped his white clothing to the floor, feeling bare and vulnerable. He looked to the window and saw his own plain face staring back at him. He didn't recognize it, at first- it wasn't like he had a mirror, and he wasn't vain anyways. Maybe at one point he had been something special, but now? The darkness beyond the panes of glass seemed like an inky well that could swallow you up if you got too close.

Xie Lian slowly dipped a toe into the water, feeling the warmth against his skin, and then stepped in completely. The steam gently caressed his body, and he gradually sank into the water. He savored the rare feeling, thinking offhandedly that it would be back to cold baths soon. He had taken many freezing baths throughout his life, but this made memories of a simpler time bubble to the surface. Ruoye slithered up the side of the tub and curled comfortably around its lip, tongue darting out to taste the air.

The scent of the flowers was a sweet perfume, and when Xie Lian lifted his arm to pick up his scrubbing stone, a vibrant blue poppy clung to him. Where had San Lang even gotten these from? There was no way that all of these flowers were in season, in this weather… He cupped the poppy in his hand, admiring its lovely hue. Droplets of water beaded up on the delicate petals, shimmering in the candlelight. The golden anthers clustered around the pale green stigma in the flower’s center like a crown.

Who was San Lang, really?

Xie Lian pondered this as he began scrubbing his body with soap. His scarred skin was losing its honey summer tan and was fading again to a milky white, and his tan lines were becoming less pronounced. San Lang was an enigma, to be certain. Xie Lian had a feeling that he was not human, but if so, why was he disguising himself? What were his intentions?

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