Chapter One: Take Two

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(A/N: I decided to rewrite this as it was so poorly written. (I wrote this story back in seventh grade and I'm now in nineth) I hope you'll like it better than the original and that it makes way more sense now. I like this story so much better now that it has been rewritten. Please comment what you think, it's greatly appreciated. Also, please vote, and follow I follow back. Hope you enjoy the chapter! :D)

(Another A/N: for whatever reason the chapter wasn't showing up so I'm reposting it to see if that will fix it)

Chapter One : Never Saying Goodbye, And Getting To Say Hello Again

Zeva's POV

I hate school, I mean I graduated when I was twelve, I had a job that paid really well, and now I'm sixteen and in high school. In my village I went to school for five years and graduated on my first try, but here apparently you need twelve years, and then after that most people go to college for a few more years. Like seriously, what do they even do at school that's so important?! I have literally learned nothing this whole year, it's completely and utterly pointless!

Oh, you're probably confused, right? Oops, sorry about that. I'll start by introducing myself, my name is Zeva. I'm-

"Zeva!" My teacher scolded, rudely breaking me away from my thoughts. "How many times do I have to tell you to pay attention?!"

"Probably a hundred times more," I sighed answering truthfully, trying to not roll my eyes at Mrs. J. "Maybe if your class was actually important I'd consider paying attention, though even then that's not very likely." I rested my elbow on my desk, and leaned my cheek against a closed fist as I blinked slowly, in a bored manner. I didn't normally talk back to adults, but I was done with the idiotic woman.

"I am your teacher, show some respect!" She screeched in her every day, annoying, high pitched voice that made my ears ring.

"I only respect those worthy of it, and since I moved to this school you have not given me one reason to. When I first meet someone they always have the opportunity to keep my respect, but when you're mean to me, or you give me a reason to not respect you, the respect that I show towards you drops. Some though have earned my respect back, but that will never happen in your case as I hold no ounce of respect in my heart, soul, or mind that I'd willingly give you."

To say the least, the woman was speechless, her jaw was slack, and eyes wide with shock as if someone had proved to her the sky was actually pink with orange and navy blue polka-dots. It was highly amusing to watch, and I couldn't stop the smirk from crossing my lips. Maybe if she had a single ounce of intelligence she'd come up with at least something to say instead of staring at me like a fish in the desert.

The bell had perfect timing, its sound resounded around the room echoing loudly, and in seconds all my classmates had made a mad dash for the door, leaving me alone with Mrs. J. I took my time packing up my things, never letting the smirk fall from my face. She stood frozen still with shock with her finger pointed at me as if she was going to scold me, but no words left her lips.

I passed her on my way to the door, and I turned halfway to see her. She had whipped around to scold me again, but I chuckled cutting whatever she was going to say off. "See you tomorrow, Mrs. J."

I left the room cockily with my head held high, but as soon as I was three feet down the hallway away from her classroom, I burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, letting my 'cool' façade fall. I laughed down the hall, in front of upper, fellow and lower classman, teachers, the assistant principle, past the janitor, down the staircase, and up another hallway to my locker.

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