the future

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You went to our nephew's birthday party last month. But you didn't go to our niece's yesterday. I don't blame you. I can't blame you. I know that you were just having a bad day. But the kids miss having you around. You're a really fun uncle. And they don't understand yet.
I wonder what other things you'll miss, what other days will be bad for you. If I get married, will you be at my wedding? Or will you not be able to get out of bed that day?
Will you get married? Have kids? You would be the best dad. I would love your kids more than anyone's.
There's so much I want to see you do. So much I want you to be a part of.
But I have hope that we'll all be happy in whatever ways we can. Together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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