Chapter 10

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I'm srry guy I kinda lost my passion for reading and writing becuz I was so busy with my brothers and sisters u know since my parents died and all and happy late new yrs!! I'm still single sucks really seeing my sisters happy with boy friends or girlfriends and my brothers with their wife's and children well I hope u like this chapter I thought of it last night oh and after this chapter it's done their maybe be another part of this I will tell u guys soo message me if u want and tell me if u wanna be in it becuz it's gonna be about akuti and her mate and jaz and Toby won't be coming out in that story well maybe they will I don't know yet but I'm pretty sure they aren't and I know I haven't been getting on watt pad I have been dead busy with work and family it hard work!!

Well I'm don't love u guys so much i won't ever forget u trust me I will upload another part maybe soon -Juliet



"Push!!! Comecon Juliet u can do it puch!!!!" The doctor,Sarah, yelled ya I got my mate Juliet pregnant and well she is pregnant with triplets we don't know the sexes yet becuz we wanted a surprise or that's Wat she wanted

"IN PUSHING DAMN IT!!! " she yelled angrily "god damnit Toby we are never haveing more children do u understand damn it I want these babies out of me now!!!!!"

----------3 hours later------------

"Congrats it's a 2 boys born first then a girl" Sarah ,the doctor smiled

"Aj Leo Blake, Tyler Austin Blake and Yaritza Electra Blake" me and Juliet said together

----------------the end of part 1of my book----

It's short I know I'm srry but I wanted the babies to be born last that way u guys know wats coming up next and I know I said akuti is 5 or6 but I'm gonna change that but not that she found her mate just he and her mates age she is gonna be 1 and her mate 1 to ok that way all 5 of them could something u will find out again message me if u wanna be in the story I will not message you k bai guys

If u guys can go to the external page that's Juliet if u can see the video it's on YouTube- bai guys

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