fine print

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KIYOOMI: get your head out of your ass istg. if he didn't like you he wouldn't keep seeing you.

UNKNOWN: um wow don't know what i did to deserve this unwarented hostility but ??? i'm decidedly single??? 🤨🤨🤨

KIYOOMI: sorry. wrong person.

UNKNOWN: damn, sounds like a heated conversation u were havin there bud

KIYOOMI: my fucking cousin cannot romance to save his life.

UNKNOWN: lmfao and u can ? 🧐

KIYOOMI: i have enough common sense not to constantly doubt the validity of a relationship i've been in for three months.

UNKNOWN: okay maybe u don't but dude
that's scary shit
like what if u guys get bored of each other after the honeymoon phase
or what if they're not as happy as you think they are

KIYOOMI: sounds like it's his fault for catching feelings then, isn't it?

UNKNOWN: ur surprisingly unsympathetic considering this is ur cousin we're talkin about 👀

KIYOOMI: well, i'm not a sympathetic person. he knows this.
plus he always does this.
he always gets way too invested and freaks the fuck out at the first sign of something that's a total non-issue.
and then he has to involve me in his bullshit.

UNKNOWN: but...he's ur cousin. my friend family always comes first even when u fucking hate them 😩

KIYOOMI: yeah okay but it's not my fault he throws himself face first into bad relationships and gets hurt when they don't work out.
it's HIS headassery not mine.

UNKNOWN: sure but maybe u should just be glad he still relies on u for support? i haven't even spoken to my cousins in over a decade 🙄 i mean, they're all dicks but that's beside the point

KIYOOMI: don't get me wrong, i really am glad he hasn't iced me out or anything. i just wish he'd be more careful with his heart. he's only got one.


KIYOOMI: don't say what i think you're about to say.



UNKNOWN: to know that you could actually care about another human being 🥲 real tear-jerker babe.

KIYOOMI: you're such an asshole.

UNKNOWN: you really need to learn the art of conserving ur insults so they hit harder. ur overusing them and now i've gotten used to bein called an asshole on the regular

KIYOOMI: omfg you're the worst.

UNKNOWN: SEE there it is again 😝
but fr
it's really sweet that ur cousin relies on u
you shouldn't take it for granted
god knows i wish my dick-ass brother would talk to me more but now he has a BOYFRIEND which fckn sucks but wdy gonna do

unknown - sakuatsuWhere stories live. Discover now