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Henry pov:

"You could have anyone you wanted yet you chose me" She says

"I chose you because you are special. Your smart, Your beautiful, Your tough, You care about your friends and your family. Your an amazing girl to be around. You give good advice. Your good at cheering people up. Your a great listener and your always there when I need you. Your not like other girls. All the other girls I've dated only dated me because they found out I was Kid Danger. But you like me for me not because I'm famous right?"

"Of course I like you for you. That's the thing about I don't care if your famous or if your rich. All I care about is who you are as a person. You could be super famous but be a jerk but your a nice guy and I honestly forgot you were Kid Danger. Your an amazing person Henry and any girl who can't see that is stupid."

"Be honest with me. What exactly do you like about me?"

"Your Kind, Strong, and Nice. I like that I can always count on you to be there for me. I like how you aren't the jealous or controlling type. I like that you risk your life all the time for swellview because that's a really selfless thing to do and it really shows that you care about people and I like how you actually care about me like how your always trying to make sure I'm ok and how you can easily tell when I'm upset which isn't something Kenzie, Trip, or Hudson can do so that means a lot to me"

"They Can't?" Henry Asks

"Nope. They can never tell when I'm upset" I say

"Wow" He says

"I know right, And I also like how I can talk to you about anything without you judging me"

"Awww That's sweet Baby" Henry says

*I giggle a bit*

"Come on let's go" He says while holding his hand out for me to take We walk back to Char and Kenz Hand n Hand

"What happened in there?" Kenzie Asks

"We just had a long serious talk" Henry says

"Awwww" Char and Kenz say in unison

"Hey Babe, Wanna hang out with Me and Piper?" Char Asks


"K let's go" and we left and head to piper's house

Kenzie pov:

I needed to talk to Henry alone. Me and Charlotte decided to test Henry's loyalty to Babe by Having me flirt with him to see if he'll cheat or stay loyal. I go over and sit down next to Henry while he's on his phone. Time to flirt

"Hey Henry?" I ask

"What's up Kenz?" He says

"Why are you with Babe?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you dating Babe, when you can date me instead. I'm much better then her and I really like you"

"Sorry Kenz. I'm dating your best friend"

"She doesn't have to know. Come on give me a kiss"

"I'm telling Babe"

"It's Your word against mine" 

"Hey guys" Babe Says as her and Char come Back

"Babe Kenzie was flirting with me and trying to get me to cheat on you"

"And did you?"

"No of course not"

"Ok Charlotte tell him" I say

Benry Love StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora