Paying the Debt

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There are some people you’ll never see again. At least, not in the same way.
- Iain Thomas

When Shreyas told everything to Simran , she was dumbfounded. Never in her wild dreams she assumed something  like that.

" I am so proud of you bhai.. " Simran said as she hugged her brother tight.

" Chal chal.. Don't butter me " Shreyas chuckled as they broke the hug

" I am not.. I am genuinely proud of you.." Simran chuckled

"Say that again.. I will record it " Shreyas chuckled while holding his phone out.

" You like her, don't you? " Simran chuckled.. " What makes you think that??" Shreyas asked with furrowed eyebrows

" It's obvious.. I saw you looking at her with all love and care when she was sleeping.. " Simran winked

" Were you spying on me? " Shreyas gasped

" Kind of.. By the way she's probably awake by now.. " Simran said..

" And more thing.. She just out of her abusive relationship I don't think she's ready take you into her life as her lover.. She needs time.. You know that right? " Simran asked . Shreyas smiled at his little sister..

" You've grown into a mature woman.. I know that.. I am willing give her all the time she needs to heal both mentally and physically " Shreyas smiled at Simran and went to guest room.

Shristi was reading a book she fetched from the book shelf in the guest room. She was so engrossed in the book and the sudden startled her and book fell down from her hand to the floor.

" I.. I am sorry I..didn't mean I will get that " She said and as was about to bend down when Shreyas stopped her.

" Don't. " He bent down and handed the book back to her.
" It's okay.. You didn't know I was coming.. " Shreyas smiled

" I saw this book on that shelf and I was getting bored so I took it.. I should have asked you or your sister.. " Shristi sighed.

The fact that she thought she needs to be permitted to read a book hurt Shreyas. He realised how deep her scar is.

" You don't have to ask anything here.. Not to anyone. You pick whatever book you want.. Watch whatever you want on that TV. Roam anywhere in this house.. Do whatever you want.. " Shreyas said as he cupped her cheeks lightly. Shristi smiled lightly at her . There was something about Shreyas's presence that always calmed her anxious nerves down. She just knew that he will never hurt her.

" Okay " She said.

" Good " Shreyas smiled. " How do you feel? " He asked while checking her temperature.

" Fine. Just tired. My throat it still hurts.. Whenever I am trying gulp down food or take a deep breath I feel this buring sensation " She said

" Yeah.. It will stay for a few more days..till then you will talk the way you're talking..on a very low voice..But you will get through this " Shreyas said.

" I will help you get through this.. Okay? " He said this time sitting down beside her.

Shristi nodded and gave a light smile.

" What kind of books do you like. I will ask Simran to get them for you... " Shreyas asked

" I like to read... Any kind of books.. " Shristi said.

" Okay.. I tell her.. She reads a lot too.. You can read her books as well.. Just ask her to give them to you.. She would happily do that " Shreyas chuckled

Shristi didn't say anything.. She just kept looking at face as if it's the answer to all her prayers

" Thank you " She smiled

" For what ? " He chuckled

" For everything.. You did since the day met me.. No matter much I pushed you never gave up.. You risked your life.. Now I am living in your house..How will I ever be able to pay you back? " She asked as a lone tear climbed down her cheeks

" Hey.. " Shreyas cupped her face with his hand " Don't think like that.. I am doctor and saving people is like my instinct.. " He chuckled

" And I understand why you pushed my.. You were scared .. Not for what will happen to you but what will happen to me?? " He said while wiping her tears with his thumb.

" I am happy that you're safe.. And about paying back.. " He smiled

" I will tell you that too. When you're ready " He said while gazing into her eyes with all his unsaid love.

" Okay.. " Shristi whispered

" Okay. " Shreyas smiled


I know I am very late!!

I was going through rough patch last month! But now I am back!

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