authors note (discontinuing)

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I'm putting this here so you don't get bored reading this and miss the important information.
I am currently writing a tsukkiyama and a Kenyama fanfic.
I have the plan and first chapter of the tsukkiyama one done.
And I wrote a really quick version of the Kenyama one in Minecraft and decided why not put it here so I won't be leaving forever or anything like that.
Hey guys been a long long long while.
If you actually care and like aren't just reading this because you wanted photos.
This is going to be discontinued.
I forgot to do this when I actually decided on it like months ago.
I saw someone say that it was bad to share art without giving credit and I really didn't want to do that so I stopped.
I felt really bad so I won't be adding anything more to this or any of the other books, I won't be deleting anything either so if you wanted you can read other ones I have.
Thanks for getting this to 23k views.
It's really surprising.
I do feel happy whenever I see people comment on everything I feel like I'm talking to you or something and it makes me feels special.
I do read all the comments.
But yeah I will be stopping this book.
I'll be fine though.

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