RANT: S*verus Sn*pe 🖐🙄

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Do I... really have to do this??? I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here right now because I'm CERTAIN that everyone should already know that Snape's a terrible, terrible person, but... *sighs* I guess not.

I'm not mad if you like Snape, but I will be annoyed if I find out you like Snape and make excuses for all his shitty actions and are just fucking blind to his faults. If you like Snape but you know he's a terrible character and person, then yeah, good for you. You're not blind 👏 But if you're a nasty little Snape apologist and justify every terrible action he committed, then you need some help sweetie.

So lemme start out with several reasons why people like Snape and then completely have fun destroying their reasoning. Also, YOU ALL BETTER BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS, I HAD TO GO AROUND AND READ SO MANY "in defense of Snape" ARTICLES AND STORIES SO I CAN FIND THE MOST POPULAR REASONS AND LIST THEM OUT 😭 😭 😭

1. He's misunderstood

We've been through this with Draco. A misunderstood character is a character who people THOUGHT was bad, but turned out to be good the entire time.

That's not Snape, guys.

He was a piece of shit from start to finish. The only thing that really surprised us was his love for Lily, but that doesn't mean he's 'misunderstood'. That just means he was in love with Lily. Like... that's it, dudes. It ain't that deep 😐

Did he spy on the Death Eaters and Voldemort out of the good of his heart? No, he did it because Dumbledore told him to. Had Lily not been part of the prophecy, he wouldn't have bothered to spy. He would've continued being a Death Eater, murdering innocent muggles and muggle-borns. Okay??? You get it???

Lily's death was not a 'wake-up call' for him either. He didn't see her dead body and then one day have an epiphany like "Omg! Muggles and muggle-borns DO deserve rights! 😮"

He never ONCE had good reasons and good intentions! His only reason for doing the good things he did throughout the series WAS BECAUSE OF LILY. He didn't help the Order out because he gave a shit about the innocent people that were in danger! HE ONLY CARED ABOUT LILY.

So yeah, he was NOT a misunderstood character. He was a terrible person from start to end.

2. He was bullied and abused in his childhood

Yes, he was bullied and abused in his childhood and that's just a terrible thing for a child to go through.

But for fuck's sake you guys, that is NOT an excuse to do the same thing as an adult. It's a REASON, but not an EXCUSE. Think of all the other characters who were bullied and mistreated during their childhoods:

- Sirius Black: dude literally ran away from home because he couldn't handle the abuse anymore. Then he lost his best friend. If he was anything like Snape, he could've easily hated Harry because in his eyes, Voldemort wouldn't have been there to murder James and Lily if Harry was the target. But you see, he's not like Snape. He cared tremendously for Harry, never blamed him for his parents' deaths. He was also imprisoned for over a decade. Did he take his anger out on innocent people? No! 

- Regulus Black: was abandoned by his brother and left to fend for himself in an abusive household. It doesn't matter if he was the favored son, he was still living in a toxic environment and that's not good for anyone. Like Snape, he also joined the Death Eaters, but unlike Snape, the dude realized that what was happening was wrong and actively tried to take Voldemort down and died while doing it. 

- HARRY FUCKING POTTER: holy shit he was abused at home and bullied in Hogwarts. No, no, not just Hogwarts, the entire fucking wizarding world treated him so fucking terribly. Did he fucking... snap and join the dark side??? No. Did he ever mistreat innocent people??? No. Harry went through so many horrible things but he never became cruel because of it! 

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