Beginning Notes

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When I wrote Tacenda, I thought it was just going to be another one of my books. I really loved the fantasy idea, but I thought it would be appreciated by the fans. 

Boy oh boy, was it appreciated. 

The amount of enthusiasm it received was astounding, especially with all the people asking for sequels. And even though I don't do sequels, I had created a whole universe based around a freaking block game - and it's hella tight, if I do say so myself - so I might as well use it for another book, right?

Four 'another book's down the line, these guys have loved and lost and fought a war and brought people back from the dead in this place. Blood, sweat and tears have been shed. 

And I've loved every second of it. 

The amount of times I would wake up in the middle of the night to write some obscure thing down, either about characters or the universe or some other silly thought that I wanted to put in... it was ungodly. But writing this was so much fun - the theories you guys would leave in the comments about what you thought was going to happen next fueled me. 

Of course, at some point, the story did have to come to an end. 

I can smell the comments already for that one ('I don't want it to end!' 'Don't tell me it's over already') and I'm here to tell you that it's not over yet... entirely. There won't be anymore real stories, but I do have some pieces that didn't quite fit into the rest of the books for you. 

And other things of course - just thoughts and little extra bits about the characters we all know and love. 

This one is all for you guys :) 

Just another thing before we get into it - the updates are going to be slower this time. Because it's finals and graduation, and these pieces take longer to write, you can expect them every other day. As soon as all this craziness in my life ends though, we'll be back to the regular update schedule!

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