Chapter 1: ~The Awakening~

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You know, Winning the nationals, making sure my top secret animatronic doesn't get lose and kill everyone and keeping my relationship with Valt a secret is harder said than done.

My name is Free de la Hoya, I'm the world's number one blader and I've found a way to make animatronics. I have a secret lab underneath BC sol, my team, and I made one. Her name? ...Twisted Phoenix. You've played Five nights at Freddy's right? Well you'll be happy to know, Freddy fazbear's pizzeria actually exists, and it's here, In Spain.

I stole spare parts from old animatronics from there to create Phoenix. She looks like corrupted Chica, but fiery metallic red and orange. Her eyes look like corrupted Bonnie's, but purple, like Lui's. She has a tuft of red metal feathers on her head. Claws on her fingers and toes reach up to 2 feet. Her teeth? Don't get me started at how big they are. Each as big as a banana. 100 teeth. 50 on the bottom, 50 on the top. Phoenix is around 10ft. She has spike-like feathers along her arms, like drawkill chica. But not as skinny hah. No "Let's eat!" Bib though either.

Twisted Phoenix is kept attached to two thick pipes, they pump oil into her so she can function properly. She took me 3 long years to make. And I built her on my own. 

Anyway, I'm currently on my way to go see phoenix.  I walked down the dorm halls, and out of the building. I looked up, the full moon shone brightly and the stars twinkled. I made my way to BC sol's main building. Hopefully no bladers were doing some midnight training, otherwise i'll have to come up with a believable excuse as to why i'm still up. I quietly opened the main doors, and slipped inside.   

Walking past Chris's office, I went to the cafeteria. Going behind to where ange cooks, I walked over to a mini-fridge and pushed it. Underneath was a small hole, big enough for someone my size to slip in. I sat down and fell in. This is where phoenix lies. I walked down a couple flights of stairs then into a open area. But...something was off. The emergency lights went off, and as I hurriedly scrambled to the computers, I noticed a big red square sitting in the middle of all the screens. It read: WARNING: SYSTEM MALFUNCTION. I froze in horror, and slowly turned to phoenix. Or where she used to be! Phoenix is gone!! The oil-pumping pipes were dangling loosely, oil spraying out. With the whole room flashing red, I couldn't see phoenix anywhere. 

Had someone stolen her? No, no one knows about this place, and even if they did, there's no way they could haul a 10ft, 20 ton robot out of here.  No, Phoenix got out of here on her own. But how? Then, as if she heard me, a low growling sound came from behind me, mixed with the sound of grinding gears. I whipped around, to be met with a pair of horrible spider-like violet eyes staring at me. Twisted Phoenix took a step forward, her huge claws dragging against the ground. "Greetings, Free de la hoya....You made me correct? You have my eternal gratitude." Her voice...I.Never.Gave.Her.A.Voicebox....She sounds like....Jack-o-chica... Phoenix let out a fiery laugh. "Now...I will return the favor!" And with that, she shrieked, using her jumpscare, then clawed her way out of the chamber. 

Phoenix is loose, and it's my fault. She'll kill everyone....and it's my fault. 

(So uhhh ya? First chapter! I have no idea what will happen in this book lol. So i any of you guys have any ideas, please say! I hope u enjoy this book!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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