8. Epilogue

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Virgil had been living with the Core Sides for a few hours.

Patton was making great efforts so he didn't feeling guilty about sitting around doing nothing ("Healing is tiring and important, petit orage!" "And you didn't seem to have any problem with that when you were a cat." "Not helping, Logan!") or worry about getting kicked out ("You'll see, as soon as Logan gives you the go to eat normal foods, I'll make you house-shaped cookies. Everybody knows cookies don't lie!").

Later that day, Logan joined him in the infirmary to listen to a documentary about conspiracy theories. In the tired and achy state he was in, limply watching a show just interesting enough to keep him from spiraling was exactly what Virgil needed. He fell asleep with his fever-burned face on Logan's shoulder.

As for Roman, he kept changing the windows of the infirmary so they overlooked different locations, each more enchanting and mysterious than the last. The giant mushroom forest was one of Virgil's favourites, he could watch the translucent springtails jumping and burrowing all day. At some point, he thought he heard Roman call him cute, but ultimately chalked it up to being half-comatose.

Virgil tried to focus on the good feelings and to ignore the thoughts of the Others and the pain his flu was causing him

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Virgil tried to focus on the good feelings and to ignore the thoughts of the Others and the pain his flu was causing him. After a while, despite his best efforts to pretend he was FineTM, Logan gave him some medicine, which had the welcome side effect of giving him an hour of good, nightmare-less sleep.

In the evening, the three Sides came to have supper with Virgil in the infirmary, and he could not even protest and assure them it wasn't necessary, because they arrived with a tablecloth, a picnic basket and more enthusiasm between them that Janus had expressed altogether in his life.

That night, when nightmares tore him from his sleep, he was comfortable despite his illness, with a moonlit arctic tundra outside his window and away from his large, empty room. And although he would never dare to wake someone up to bother them with his problems, just looking at the intercom made him feel better.

Virgil had been living with the Core Sides for a day.

The half-peaceful rest, the miniature steam-bath and the anti-cold herbal tea were beginning to take effect. Unaccustomed to so much human (ish) contact, Virgil got a bit choked up when the other Sides (especially Patton, as Logan had warned) stuck a little too close to him. But they respected his boundaries. That evening, his stomach could take a slightly larger amount of food in one meal. He was catching up on sleep and had to dodge questions about fetching "his things" from the Others' house.

Virgil had been living with the Core Sides for three days.

He realized that human contact and company didn't bother him as much while in cat form and began to transform after he had exceeded his daily dose of interaction. He already knew that Logan's knees were the best place to doze off, since he stood up the least (Roman, muck like his brother, seemed to be sitting on a string, constantly). The silent company was doing him good.

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