The Golden Boy

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Disclaimer I do not own the characters

Clary P.O.V.

I wake up to the end of my first week at NYU. My roommate Izzy, has made it her job to accommodate clothing to me each day, changing my style. Her outfits have attracted a lot of attention among the college guys, and not exactly the attention I want.

There are the dickheads who keep trying to hook up with me, and then there are the nice boys that are my friends.

Izzy has made her brothers stay away from me. Well, Jace imparticular. I've heard a lot about both of them, and I don't know what to expect. As pathetic as it seems, Izzy and I are in many similar classes, but Izzy always finds a way to protect me from rapists.

She decided that tonight will be a great time to take me to a party, I've never been to a party, ever, so I made her swear to be next to me at all times. She also decided that she will introduce me to her siblings. I've heard a lot about college parties due to the fact that my stepfather is a New York City cop. SO I've been raised an innocent Sorta child, never had any alcohol. The party starts in 2 hours and I'm being smothered by make-up and outfits. I ended up wearing a cropped black shirt that showed way too much skin in my opinion. And a dark denim skirt with black cargo boots (I insisted on those).

Izzy left my red hair out and only lightly covered my face with makeup. Izzy herself wore a short black singlet dress with black 2-inch heels. I personally thought the outfit matched her raven-black hair but I myself would've never worn so much black but Izzy said it's best to wear black if in any case, you need to run away. Which concerned me but I was already being dragged out the door before I could respond.

After travelling halfway across the campus, we finally came to a stop outside dorm room 158. Izzy knocked on the door and yelled,

"Hurry the fuck up, we can't be late!" The door opened and out came a tall dark-haired male image of Izzy. I suspected that must be Alec, Izzy's brother due to the similarity between the two. He was wearing a plain black shirt and denim pants.

"Hey! Izzy, chill, we aren't going to be late, the party starts in an hour." Alec said glaring at Izzy, then shifted his focus to me, "Sorry for that, you must be Clary, I'm Alec."

"Hey Alec, so umm have you been to any parties?"

"Yeah, Jace drags me to many, and I will forewarn you, there can be some couples making out, or Jace hooking up with some random girl toy. Its best to stay near some of your friends at these types of parties."

"Thanks for the warning. I only ask of one thing, make sure I don't get drunk."

"Sure thing red-head." I look towards to the door and see a golden boy. A boy with golden hair and eyes. He was wearing the same as Alec, but a white shirt instead of a black shirt.

"And that's Jace. You can probably see what I mean." Alec states

"Yeah," I reply, without being able to take my eyes off the golden boy. He just grinned.

                                                                   *             *             *             *

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