chapter three

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Your foot tapped against the brick of Guyi's porch nervously, trying to fight back the tiny voice in the back of your head that was telling you to run before it was too late.

The voice vanished as the front door swung open, a surprised looking Guyi greeting you.

"Hey, Y/N!" She smiled, immediately putting you at ease.

She was surprised. You were too. You hadn't spoken properly with your friend in years, yet here you were, showing up at her door in hopes of getting this Jimin situation off your chest and, hopefully, gain some perspective from the most insightful person you knew.

"Hi– Oh, is this a bad time?" You paused, eyes darting past Guyi's shoulder to where a pair of eyes were peering at you from inside the house, a young girl you didn't recognize curled up on the couch.

"Oh, no. Just babysitting Nary." Your old friend explained.

The girl who you assumed was Nary stared at you curiously, unsure what to make of you barging in on her babysitting time.

"Crap, sorry, I should've called beforehand." You tucked your hands into the safety of your denim jacket. "I was gonna cash in on that girls' night offer."

"Oh yeah! Come on in!" Guyi immediately moved to let you in.

"Are you sure? You're babysitting..."

"Nary got her Gameboy back. She won't bother us, trust." She assured as you slipped past her.

You stood awkwardly inside, waiting for Guyi to finish locking up the house before venturing any further into the home. You could see the kitchen from your position– your cheeks warmed at the memory of you and Yoongi getting acquainted there before you shoved him into the spare bedroom and your ex-boyfriend walked in.

"Nary, say hi to Y/N." Guyi pulled you from memory.

"Hi." You smiled meekly, waving at the young girl.

She was about eight years old, hair cut above her shoulders, bangs thick in the unfortunate way children usually wore them.

Nary hummed, gesturing towards the game console in her hand. "Do you know how to play Kirby's Dreamland?"

"Oh, uh... no."

She turned her head away disinterestedly, your answer seemingly solidifying her decision that you did not require her attention.

"Told ya she wouldn't bug us." Guyi smirked walking over to the kitchen. You followed her silently, thanking her as she popped you open a can of cherry Coca-Cola.

"So what's up with you and Jimin?" She questioned, opening up a can for herself.

Your face warmed as the fizzing sound of her open drink filled the kitchen.

"Hm? What— I mean, nothing. Why do you ask?"

Of course, you had come to talk about Jimin. She was spot on. Actually admitting it, however, was proving to be more challenging than you had initially anticipated.

"Y/N." Guyi deadpanned.


"You, Jimin, Gwen, and Hoseok went into Old Man Carswell's. Four went in. Two came out. I can do the math." She said.

"Ah. Well." You played it coy.

"We all figured it would happen." She shrugged, unfazed by your embarrassment, despite the way her words only made your shame crawl further up your face.

Tapping on the glass of your drink, you ran your fingertip along with the condensation.

"Did everyone notice?" You muttered.

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