Its a Fae, Fae, Fae World Part 1

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     I set down two drinks in front of a man. "That's me - highest sales in the division. And then in the morning I'm flying back to Omaha," the man tells me. I smile, "that's great."

    I hear my boss coming. "Coming through behind you,"I turn my back to the man letting my boss cross, "everything good out here?" I nod with a smile, "yeah. No, I'm fine. I'm just starving."

     I turn to the man, "it's $10.50." He nods, "oh, right. Here you go," he hands me a twenty. I grab it then look up when he grabs my hand a little. "Oh, and, darling, you keep the change. And... this one's for you," he tries handing me the second glass.

     I laugh, "well, thank you. But I can't. It's policy." I send him a smile before leaving to help another costumer. I go back over and notice the guy moved to another area in the bar and is talking to a blonde.

    That guy rubs me the wrong way. I hand a beer to a woman then watch as the girl leaves and the man follows her a couple minutes after. I narrow my gaze in the direction they went.

     Something doesn't feel right. I go to my boss, "hey I'm taking a bathroom break." I wait til he nods to grab my jacket. I head to the elevator and press the button then wait for it.

     The doors open and I see the same girl and man in it. I walk in and press the parking lot button. I look at the girl, "you good?" She leans against the wall and puts up a thumb, "a-okay," and sighs.

    I turn around looking at the man. "You are very naughty," he chuckles nervously, "hmm? Left without saying goodbye." I mess with his tie and lean in close.

    "Don't you know when a girl's playing hard to get,"I chuckle softly and push him back. "What do you want?" He smiles probably thinking he's gonna get lucky.

      "Just one little kiss," I seductively say then kiss him. I kiss him for a couple seconds before using my power I guess I don't know what it is. The guy is flailing around in a panic.

    I stare at him with my glowing blue eyes as I take 'god I don't know what I take from them'. After I finish man falls to the floor dead with a smile on his face. "This is so gonna be viral," I hear the girl say but I pay her no mind.

    I crouch down to look at the man, serves him right for trying to drug girls. The elevator dings and the doors open so I stand up and walk out. "Hey!" I stop in my tracks, "what about me?"

   I clench my jaw before sighing and walk back to the girl. "Okay. Let's get you out of here," I bend down to help her up. "You're pretty," she giggles then stops and stares at me, "I saw you eat some dude's face. It was amazing," she laughs.

    I sigh heavily, "oh, that's just terrific. Let's go come on." I help her stand then put her over my shoulder, "I'll take you somewhere safe."

    I walk out carrying her. "Bye-bye, Mr. Smiley face." I shake my head at her words and carry her to my car.

No one POV:

      Dyson walks over to his partner Hale who's leaning against a cop car. "Hey! You finally decided to show," Hale tells him with a smile. Dyson laughs and puts his arm on his shoulder and they walk over to an elevator.

     "So what do we got here?" Dyson asks looking at the covered body in the elevator. "Um, male, mid-30s. No ID. Just a room key for the hotel. Woman found him over an hour ago. I'd say, uh, that's it for witnesses," Hale tell him.

   Dyson hands him, his coffee then got out a glove and put it on. "Any cameras in here?" He looks up towards a corner looking at the camera. "Busted. Checking on the garages,"Hale says.

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