The Faction is born

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*2 Weeks Later. Backlash PPV*

The past 2 weeks, there have been subtle hints on the show, even on social media about Logan, Alexa and Liv starting their faction but nothing has officially happened yet. Creative wants to save it for the pay per view so the 3 keep teasing it online but of course nothing serious. The relationship is getting even better between the 3, Alexa and Liv are starting to get much more comfortable around each other, even starting to flirt and tease each other along with Logan, who's mind is still blown that he got lucky enough to have 2 of the most beautiful women in the world as his own.

It's the day of the PPV and all 3 arrive at the arena together, nobody thinking anything of it since they see how they behave on TV they think it's just to keep with the story. Logan got his own locker room while the ladies went to the woman's locker room, and when Logan walked in he sees a black t-shirt with a note on it from Hunter

"Here is the idea for the shirt for the faction, let me know what you think or if we need to change anything". - HHH

He holds the shirt up and looks at it and smirks as he hears a knock on the door and it's the girls as they walk inside and see him looking at a shirt

Liv: "What you got there baby?"

Logan: "It's the shirt they designed for the group. What do you think?"

He turns it around to show them, it's a black shirt with 3 figures outlined. The one on the left is doing Alexa Bliss' gloved hand gesture she does when she goes to the ring and it is outlined in pink, on the right is an outline that has her tongue sticking out and it is blue for Liv, and in the middle behind them both is a figure tipping his cowboy hat. Underneath them all it reads "The Misfits"

The girls are silent for a few moments and Logan looks at them both and puts the shirt down

Logan: "It's cool, it's just an early draft we can redesign..."

Before he can even finish both girls look at each other with a smirk and run toward Logan and jump in his arms, knocking him back on the couch and they both are kissing his cheeks at the same time

Logan: "I assume you like it then?" He says trying to get a word in in between their kisses

Alexa: "Like it? We love it! They got my glove in there"

Liv: "And my blue tongue!! It's perfect"

They finally let off of Logan as he stands up and composes himself a little as he looks at the both of them

Logan: "Now the shirt won't be out for a couple weeks but we are still starting this up tonight so are you 2 ready?"

Liv and Alexa together: "Oh yeah we are ready"

Logan smiles at the both of them as they leave to go to makeup and he starts getting ready for his matches

*Co-Main event*

Looks like both of his matches are back to back, with the number 1 contenders match being first. Randy makes his entrance first, followed by Drew, then Lashley and Logan was last. Liv and Alexa were in gorilla as his music started playing, and he gives each of them a quick kiss as he makes his entrance as well

Logan struts down to the ring, knowing he is in for a hell of a task in both of these matches back to back. He makes his way to the announce table and puts his hat down on it as he gets in the ring. All 3 of the other men are staring daggers through him and he knows how big the target is on his back as he holds his Universal title in the air and hands it to the ref for them to put in the time keepers area as the bell rings and the match starts.

*Discontinued* Unusual Partners (Alexa Bliss x Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now