Sixteen: Short Lived Tragedy

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She blinked, her eyes closing slowly in correspondence with her breathing. 

"No... no, no, please, Sarah..."

As Amber looked into her eyes, she knew she was already gone. Her eyes hadn't even closed completely. 

There was a loud coughing across the room.

Amber stared at Sarah a moment longer, then turned to Margot.

"D-Don't cough your lungs out." She said again at an attempt for lightness.

Margot smiled and wiped her hands on her jeans, but not before Amber saw what was on them.

"Margot, how-- you got shot in the shoulder, why are you coughing up blood?" She asked in a panic.

"It's...I think it actually got pretty close to my heart." She continued coughing. "Amber."

They locked eyes. Margot was bleeding profusely. She was pale, and sweating, yet freezing cold.

And suddenly both knew that Margot was not going to survive. 

"Just... you already saw Sarah die. Don't make yourself watch me, too."

Amber shook her head. "I'm not letting you die alone." She whispered.

The two paused.

"Thank you." Margot whispered. 

Amber lied Margot on the couch and held her tightly. 

She sang softly to her only remaining friend.

She sang the parody they wrote together for a musical they had made when they were fourteen.

"So to my first best friend,

We're still together in the end,

Even though nothing is going as we planned.

Did some good, some bad

To get back what we used to have

Would we have done it if we knew we can't go back

To you and I?"

Twenty slow minutes later, Amber took a seat by the window, wearing her two friend's blood. 

She had her hoodie pulled over her head.

She didn't watch the sunset.

She faced away from the only light left.

Because to her, there already wasn't any.

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