Chapter Two- Longer Days

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Entry Number 3

3rd September.

Over that past month... absolutely nothing has happened. I've hung around, done my housework, brung the last of my things from my old house home. The fireworks were nothing special, a few bangers, streamers, and a big "Happy New Year!" in the sky. Since then, Vee and Icky D had been deciding which bedroom either baby Rory or baby Grace would have. And then they decided they needed an extension. And lots of new furniture and prefessional stylists to come and visit the house. Just pretty much going crazy over a one month old unborn baby. On the 4th I start school. Big school. Not a fancy tutor that pretty much lives in your house. Nope! Presentation Collage Davitpark. Not a snobby rich kids school, yet not a run down, poor one either. I don't need a uniform, since you are allowed to wear what you like. One of my neighbours, Finn, I have already made friends with. His mother is a teacher in the school, and will probably be one of the first year classes' tutor. 

  Finn has golden-brown hair that flops down over his forehead, tanned skin and the deepest brownest eyes you will ever see. Next week we are going to a disco he knows. It's a teenage one, so I'm allowed go. I think I have a crush on Finn though. I can't be sure, because once I thought I had a crush on Voldemort. 

  I have to go now, Finn and I are going to town. He says I need more friends. I agree, to be honest.

  Lauren xx

Entry Number 4

4th September.

The first day of school. Thank God I'm good at making friends, because I made a good few enemies. You're proably expecting the Head Cheerleader to be a complete and utter... bad word. But she isn't! I met her yesterday in The Blue Apple, which is kind of the teenage hangout. Her and her boyfriend, Mark, are two of the best looking and popular people in Davitpark. The funny thing is, when we walked into the Blue Apple (Or the Bap, as it's known) the first thing Fleur (the cheerleader) said was : 'Hey, Finn! Who's this? Your girlfriend? Have you two shifted yet? Ohmigod!  This is so exciting! Can we put it in this years Yearbook? What's her name? Do you LOVE her? Will you marry her? Coz you're way too young for that Finny!' Then she paused for a breath while Finn said 'Lauren, no, no, no, Lauren, no, no, and I know.'  And me, the fool, just stood therew gawping at them. 

  Fleur was going into 5th Year, so she was three years older than us, because she skipped 4th Year, TY. She  has long, brown, wavy hair, pale skin and bright sparkling green eyes. She was tall, but not too tall, skinny, but not too skinny, and happy, full stop. As it happened she was Finn's cousin, and also worked in my sister's shop. Mark was pretty much her soulmate. Unlike the stereotype popular girl whore, she has only had two serious relationships. Both were with Mark, and the only reason they broke up was because of exams. He was as bubbly as Fleur, if not more. He had spiky brown hair, with the spike dyed blond. He had a slightly foreign look about him, but he was still very good looking. I could help the nagging feeling that Finn was better looking.

'So, Lauren! Come over here a second.' She beckoned me over to an empty table in the corner if the café. 


' 'You like Finn?'

'Me?' I replied, shocked. 'No! I mean, we're friends, a-and I, Imean, he's a lovely guy, but I've only known him, like, a week or two.'

'Oh. 'Cause he likes you...'

'He does?!' I said excitedly. 'Wow, I didn't know. Did he tell you? What did he say?'

'Well, I don't know. But, Lauren, sorry hon, but cover blown. You like him for defs! '

'I-I don't!' I stuttered. I leaned in closer and whispered 'But don't tell him, okay?'

She winked and told me my secret was safe. As I walked away she said, 'And I wasn't lying when I said I thought he liked you, by the way.'

  But back to the present. First day of school. And again, against all stereotypes, the nerds hate me. I joined the science, maths and chemistry clubs and they absolutely detest me. Well, the majority anyway. The others who don't are too afraid to say so. The funniest thing is though, Finn is not in my class, but his mother is! She's my class's tutor! Who would have thought!? Mrs. Hennigen is one of the coolest teachers I have. I mean, she goes hard on the stupid ones, but she loves me! She even invited me to dinner one of the days. When I told Finn that, though, he was wayyy unhappy. 

'I do want you over... but my dad can be a bit...'

I knew what I meant. Once I had a penpal and I invited him over to our home in the country and dad thought we were going to have a baby when he left. I was nine.

  In the end Mrs. Hennigen and I persuaded him to let me go over.

  Lauren xx


 so! hahahahahah! dya wanta see the... DATE!!!!!!?????????????? EXCITING< huh! so... whats the story..? any questions?? oh... and this is all the three years earlier... just in case ye didnt know ahah :)) so,, uh, votee??? i only have like four... and i think that they were all me... :L comment,,, critique, fan :) ah shur! i aint da boss of u... but i wanna b! so... uh... yup! let me know if you want an earlier c hapter 3 :))))) and what dya think of finn??any celebs in mind for him?? i dont relly know haha]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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