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There were more moments like that over the following weeks.

Where Draco would find himself getting lost in what she said— believing in it, even. Having faith in the absurd plans she was making.

Wanting to become a part of it.

These feelings were almost always immediately followed by a surge of anger. Made him lash out at her.

They fought more than ever in those weeks.

It hurt her. He could tell she was trying to be civil and he just. Wasn't having it. Wasn't sure what would be left if they discarded their fighting.

She didn't understand. Could not put the pieces together of how they'd be sitting there, engaging in civil— almost passionate— conversation one moment and then, at the drop of a hat, his eyes would flash and he'd turn his opinion. Needle through the less thought out arguments. Pick apart the most minor of things until she was red and fuming— screaming at him and looking hurt.

And she wanted his approval so bad. He must have been the only person in the entire wizarding world that didn't like her or appreciate everything she was doing.

He could see her bending over backwards to understand what it was. What she could do differently. How to fix it.

And he didn't want to give that to her, mostly. Loved to see that giant brain of hers working. Focusing on him.

There were days where he wanted to give it to her.

A pat on the back. A good job, Granger.

Just to see what she'd do. To see if he could make her eyes light up like Potter or Weasley.

Somehow, the thoughts always looped back to anger.

So they continued to fight and fuck. Never teetering too close towards one side.


It was December and they were at Granger's home to celebrate the holidays before they'd all be expected to make an appearance at the Burrow.

She'd given them free reign of her house.

With the exception of one room.

This didn't sit well with Draco.

He waited until everyone else was properly boozed up before going to check it out.

It was a room filled with glass habitats. He only had a minute or two to observe before Granger entered, startling him.

"This was Viktor's room, you know."

Draco snapped around to see Granger leaning against the open door frame with a glass in her hand. A normal person wouldn't be able to tell, but she was much drunker than she'd let herself ever be around their group. There was a flush in her cheeks and a fire in her eyes that reminded him of the girl he'd seen rushing through the Great Hall after the Battle of Hogwarts, handing out blankets and muggle medicine supplies because the majority of people that were able to help were too drained to cast efficient healing spells.


Granger nodded, walking into the room slowly, looking around as if she hadn't been in it for a while.

"During an interview once he'd mentioned how much he respected the dragon he went up against in the Triwizard tournament. He told the press that he still had his miniature version sitting on his nightstand. He then proceeded to make an offhand comment about how he'd like to house reptiles one day."

Draco looked around to see about a dozen glass habitats with bright lights placed over the tops. He moved closer to one and spied a bearded dragon basking in the heat.

Recovering GrangerWhere stories live. Discover now