Introducing Granger

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Viktor Krum Dies At Age 26 in Quidditch Accident

Viktor Krum, best known for his time spent with his Bulgarian Quidditch team as well as his marriage to war hero Hermione Granger, was pronounced dead yesterday as a result of a quidditch practice complication.

As of yet, no funeral plans have been announced. His wife has made no comment, but has asked the public for her time to grieve in private.

Draco read the article with a raised brow over his jam and toast. When Potter walked into the kitchen, he tossed it in his direction.

"This article is months old, why is it out now?"

Potter reached into the cupboard and pulled out a bowl. "Hermione's coming to visit this weekend so I left it out to remind everyone."

"Of her dead husband?"

"Yes." He poured his cereal with reckless abandon, flakes flying all over the counter and floor. "She doesn't like to talk about it and we don't need anyone messing it up."

"You could have just slipped this under Theo's door."

Potter snorted. "I was going for a bit more subtlety than that."

"It doesn't suit you." He snatched up the scrap of paper. "I'll deliver it personally."

"Cheers, thanks." He spooned a bite of bran into his mouth. "Oh, and Malfoy? Try and play nice with Hermione today, would you?"

Draco saluted him and then turned for the stairs, heading up to Theo's room.

It wasn't that he liked living at Grimmauld Place with Potter and Weasley, but it was better than the alternative (the Manor). Besides, as he'd often pointed out to Potter, he was, technically, the rightful Black heir.

It hadn't taken too much convincing for Potter to let him move in. They'd been working together in the DMLE since Draco was released from house arrest at age eighteen and they quite got along. The problem had been convincing him to let Draco drag Theo along.

He knocked on Theo's door.

"If you aren't up you're going to be late for work."

The door swung open and Theo glared as he finished knotting his tie.

"The Human Resources department of Gringotts doesn't function without me. I wouldn't even consider being tardy."

"We both know that was a position specifically made to keep you out of trouble while simultaneously keeping you busy." Draco shoved the paper into Theo's chest. "No one is willing to file a complaint against a goblin."

Theo skimmed the article. His eyes moved quickly across the words, as if it was a piece he was familiar with. He handed it back with a theatrical eye roll.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of the all and mighty Miss Granger?"

Draco leaned against the doorframe with a smirk as Theo turned back into his room, presumably searching for proper shoes.

"A visit. Potter wants to make sure you're house trained."

Theo threw his hands in the air. "All I did was ask her why she was assisting the Bulgarian Ministry in rounding up lost Death Eaters. It was merely meant to be an insight into her political motivations!"

"Yet what actually came out of your mouth was, "are you doing this to avoid the inevitable loneliness after losing your husband?""

"I was drunk," Theo muttered. "Besides, Potter was the one who got angry, not Granger."

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