First Quiddich game

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Today was the first quidditch game me and harry have we were currently sitting next to each other while Ron, Draco and Hermione are across from us.
"Take a bit of toast mate"Ron says to harry as harry just plays with his food
"He's right harry your going to need your strength" Hermione adds as Draco nods
"Wow Hermione and Ron agreed on something now you have to eat harry" I say as Draco and Harry chuckled then we hear someone behind us
"Good luck today Potter then again now that you've proven yourself against the troll a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you even if it is against...Slytherin" we watch him...Limp? away..... weird we turn back and look at eachother
"Soo Intimidating" i say as Ron, hermione and Draco laugh while harry looks in a deep thought.
"That's explains the blood" we all look at him
"Blood?" Draco asks then harry leans in
"Listen last night, I'm guessing snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try to get pass the 3 headed dog but he got himself bitten that's why he's limping" Ron jumps in
"But why would anyone go near that dog?"
"The day i was a Gringotts Hagrid took something out of the vaults. Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret."
"So your saying-" me and hermione started but were cut off by harry
"That's what the dog is guarding that's what snape wants." Then we see O/N and Hedwig coming with a package. They drop it as me and harry caught it and place it down
"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione asks
"I never get mail"
"Let's open it" Ron and Hermione help harry while Draco helps me and ......OMG!!! A NIMBUS 2000
"It's a broom stick"
"That's not just any broom stick harry" Draco says
"It's the nimbus 2000" Ron adds
"But who-" i nudged him to look at mcgonagall who was petting O/N and hedwig

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ Time skip ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆
3rd POV
Harry and y/n where getting ready for the game. Harry walks over to y/n as they just stand there
"hey" harry says breaking the awkward silence
"hey, you ok?"
"Nervous you?"
"I don't know" she turns to look at him as she hugs him tightly as her hands are around him neck with his hands on her waist. They both feel their cheeks heat up as y/n pulls away "Good luck hug" she says as she smiles harry just smiles back he really doesn't mind. They stopped look at each other when they heard Oliver
"Oi, lovebirds let's go" they both blushed even more as the twin laugh y/n glares at them and they start walking to the field.
"scared harry, y/n"
"A little" harry answers as y/n nods agreeing with him
"It's alright felt the same way before my first game"
"what happened" y/n ask him
" I- er- I don't really remember, I took a bludger to the head 2 minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later"
'well thanks for the oliver i'm even more nervous' y/n thinks. We all start mounting our brooms and start flying around the field
"Hello. and welcome to hogwarts' First quidditch game of the season today's game-
Slytherin VS Gryffindor!" lee, one of the twins, friends announced, the house then start cheering in as everyone takes their place
"The players take their positions  as Madame Hooch Steps out onto the field to begin the game"
"Now i want a nice clean game... From all of you"
"The Bludgers are up followed by the golden snitch, Remember the snitch is worth 150 points, the seeker who catches the snitch end the game..... The Quaffle is Released and the Game Begins!.... y/n takes the Quaffle starts flying... excellent flyer she is quit attractive too-"
"Jorden!" Mcgonagall says as in the stands draco mutters
"Uh that's my cousin" ron chuckles as they continue the game 
"sorry professor.... Y/n passed the quaffle to Angelina who passes it to Katie as she goes to score..... Come one Katie.... And she scores !! 10 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!!" back at the  stands harry starts to clap for the team as a Bludgers almost hits him
"well done" Hagrid yells as people start cheering snape look at his house as quirrell looks nervous, lee then continues
"Slytherin takes possession of the quaffle Bletchley passes to captain Marcus Flint... he throws it as Oliver blocks it keeping slytherin from scoring...... Katie, Angelina pass the quaffle back and forwards as Katie now passes to to y/n who is flying towards the goals....... come on come on...... YES Y/N SCORES ANOTHER 10 POINT TI GRYFFINDOR"  The game continues as the score is now 20-20 Olive was hit in the stomach with a Bludger. Angelina was taken down. Harry then sees the golden snitch starts flying after is he dodges a Bludger as he loses control of his broom stick
"Harry!" y/n yells flying after him but the closer she got the higher he went so she stop moving towards his so he doesn't get hurt. back at the stands
"What's going on with harry's broom stick?"hagrid asks as draco looks though the binoculars and sees snape muttering something but what they don't see is quirrell muttering something too
"It's snape he's jinxing the broom" Draco says to Ron and Hermione, she then takes the binoculars to look
"Jinxing the broom what do we do?" Ron asks
"leave it to me" Hermione says as she leaves meanwhile harry's broom is still going crazy y/n is still trying to reach him but as she got closer her broom started going crazy so she moved away. Harry is now holding on with one hand as y/n is below him ready to catch him if he falls
"Come on Hermione!" Ron and Draco says as Hermione runs to the teacher stands and goes to snape cloak
"Lacranum Inflamarae" she had cast snape's cloak on fire
"Your on fire,Your fire!! FIRE!" one of the professors told snape as she got up and knock down professor quirrell harry had control of his broom stick again
"Harry are you ok?"
"yea i'm fine y/n" she nods and went back to the game as harry goes back chasing the snitch him and Slytherin seeker are head to head trying to catch the snitch as they're both going down about to hit the ground the slytherin seeker moves his broom up as Harry keeps going he's about to hit the ground when he controls his room moving up and is now standing on top of it reaching for this snitch he goes forward on his broom but stumbles over he feels like he's gonna throw up and then the snitch comes out of his mouth
"HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH!! Gryffindor wins !!" Lee announces
y/n run up to harry and jumps into a big hug harry stumbles a little since it happened so fast but does hug back. Draco Ron and Hermione are all running to him and when they see them they know it when they get there y/n and harry let go of each other and hug the other 3
"Good job harry, y/n" Draco tells them
"Amazing" ron adds
"It's was snape who jinxed your broom harry but good job you both" hermione tells them

Yay finished with the quidditch match i didn't know how to explain mush of it but i hope you guys liked it

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