The competition maybe-chapter 3

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        I left after finishing the last bit of paper work. I was was walking to no where in particular. I wasn't paying attention to where i was going so I ended up bumping into someone and falling right on my rear. "I'm so so very sorry for bumping into you (Name)." That voice sounded so very familiar that i recognized it right away. I looked up and saw that I'd indeed just bumped into Shuhei Hisagi.

        "No, its fine I'm the one that should be apologizing i wasn't paying attention no need for you to apologize its not your fault." "Are you okay,(Name)?" Shuhei said reaching out a hand for you to take. "Yeah I'm fine." You toke his out stretched hand and he helped you up. When you were up off the floor you ended up right at at Shuhei's chest. Since you were shorter than him your head only made it to his chest and you had to look up just to make eye contact. You ended up blushing a little, not enough for any one to notice, because of how close the two of you were. You liked Shuhei but not in a romantic way.

(Shuhei's point of view)

        When i helped (Name) up she ended up really close and at my chest. I mean i know she's shorter than me. I wasn't complaining about the stuationI liked (Name), but I heard some girls saying that she had a crush Captain Hitsugaya. I wish it was me she liked. I'll still try to win her over until she is officially mine or Captain Hitsugaya's. I then heard someone behind us. (Name) quickly separated herself from me. I slightly frowned, not enough for anyone to be able to notice, but I then turned to see who was behind us. When I turned I saw...

(A/N: He guysso as you can see Toshiro has competition. Also who do you guys think it was that Shuhei saw? Comment, vote, and follow please or don't)

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