ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

334 23 3


Moonlight lover



"Guards! Throw them into dungeon" king darkly ordered


"Don't, or you will join them too" king voice roared in the room as the guards cuffed them and pulled them out of the room

✈︎few hours before✈︎

The party was going very well as every guest was enjoying their time except for two whinny babies

"P'sophi, where is P'Korn?" In whinned

"How long are they going to be locked in that room" Pharm added

And sophia was soo done with these two brats

"How many ti-"

"Lady sophia!" A rusty dark voice spoke 

Sophia turned and her eyes immediately became unreadable

"Lord Kylo"

"Beautiful as always" Kylo commented

"Can't help it, it's in my blood you know" sophia said with a sarcastic innocent smile plastered on her face

Kylo chuckled, but stopped when his gaze when towards the twins

"Is that whom I think it is?" Kylo asked

"Yes they are!" Sophia replied

Pharm and In felt uncomfortable at kylo's gaze on them

"Ah! Finally, Pleasure to meet you" Kylo said as he extended his hand towards them

Pharm hesitated, his whole sixth sense was screaming not to do it

But Pharm smiled as he took his hands

"Nice to meet you too, I'm pharm and this is my twin In" he introduced

"As you may know, I'm Kylo, king's younger brother and father of win" he said

"Ah! You guys are marked! No wonder you reek of them!" He said

"Reek?" Pharm said more like questioned as they felt offended by the choice of words

"Yes, prince's scents are masking your true rank" Pharm stiffed at the word rank but same time felt relieved that nobody could indentify them as humans

"Pardon for me asking, what are your ranks?" Kylo asked and all three of them stiffed

Pharm and In had no Idea about the vampire ranking system except for royal vampires

Sophia cleared her throat gaining his attention

"They are-"

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