Falling: chapter one

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è incredibile Mamma e Papà!" [it's amazing, Mom and Dad!] I cried, pulling each of my parents into a hug.They both smiled at me, surprised, as I ran inside the new house, practically squealing with excitement.

But then, as I anxiously ran my fingers along the white marble counters, I remembered that I had spoken in Italian just a moment ago.Usually, I would use my second language when I wasn't quite sure how to express what I was feeling.

Since the move, I had talked strictly in English, except to yell at my parents for making me leave my friends.

I raised an eyebrow to myself, surprised at my gleeful outburst, then shrugged it off.It was no secret that I had wanted more than anything to stay in our old home; but, then again, it was no secret that this house was perfetto! [perfect]

All around me, the rooms were decorated with bright, happy colors, -red, orange, yellow- and there was marble and granite galore, not to mention the stainless steel appliances throughout the kitchen.

As my parents helped the movers outside, I walked slowly through the wide rooms, running my fingers across the different surfaces, in awe of all that I was seeing.Then I spotted the twisting staircase in the den, and sprinted to it, gasping in amazement.

I had always wanted stairs like this, -and yes, I knew it was silly- curving as they continued up into the next floor.

Once I reached the second story, my eyes fell upon the several multicolored doors throughout the hallway.

I peeked in each room, the first four involving large, empty rooms with bright color schemes, and a bathroom.Then, the sixth door on the right side of the hall caught my eye.

It was a rather large bedroom, with medium purple walls, jet black carpeting, a freaking balcony [!], plus the walk-in closet and -AWESOME- adjoined bathroom!

"MINE!" I cried, though no one would've heard me.I basked in the glory of my new haven for a few moments longer, then went back outside to find my parents.

The two of them sat on the large, glossy porch, wearing identical masks of worry.

"Hey..is this a bad time?" I ask, hesitasting in the front doorway.

Mom looks up and smiles sadly, "No, miele, [honey] your Dad and I need to talk to you anyway."

"Uh, okay." I say cautiously, sitting on the porch swing to their left."Whats up?"

Dad gazes at the movers, and I follow his lead."Hey, uh, guys...why aren't there any of your stuff in the U-Haul?"

"Buddy, your Mom and I...well we sort of left out some information about the move," Dad looks at Mom to continue, and she turns to me again."We're not staying here with you."

"Che cosa?!" [what] I yell, bolting up from my swing.

Mom stands as well, patting my hand slightly.I step out of her reach, and her sad smile becomes a full-on grimace.

Now Dad speaks, a little regretfully, "We told you that I got a promotion...and that it would involve moving," I nodded one hard nod, gritting my teeth. "Well, it includes a lot of moving, actually...and your Mom and I agreed that traveling every week is too much for you to handle.So, we decided that we'd buy you your once place to live."

"Questo e' pazzo!Questa grande casa è tutto per me?!" [this is crazy!this huge house is all for me?!]

My parents share a nervous glance once more, before Mom continues this time, "We've arranged..." she shakes her head once, and I see tears forming in her usually joyful green eyes, "Your father and I...we've arranged for you to get married."

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