PS: I love you (A Harry Styles Fanfic)

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Thank you for clicking into my story! Haha. WELL, this is my first story I've written on Wattpad, so I hope you like it, and please don't comment rude. If you think I have bad english, well then it have to be because I'm norwegian. So sorry.. But I'll try to not write that bad. Haha..AND btw. I'll take advices!

I know that this won't get so many reads, but thanks if you do read it.

(Bythewayy... That picture on the right side is Brooke)

Thanks. xx 

Chapter 1..

"Brookieee!" my younger sister said, while she was starting to jump up and down in my bed. Her name is Alexis, and about to turn 4 years. She could be quite of a torture to have as a sister, but I do love her. And we did have our sibling-moments. It was just at mornings like this I just couldn't stand her. 

My name is Brooke Bell.I am 18 years, and well.. To describe myself I would use the words... Insecure, and maybe a little stubborn, yet kind and always happy! Most of the time.

I've always been that girl in class that everyone thinks is quiet, and not fun. I can be fun. And I have a lot to say. But.. just not anything to say to them.

The most of the girls at school were brats and all they cared about was looks, and didn't care much about personality. Sluts. Brats. I didn't fit in at this school. My mom said to me once "If you don't have anything nice to say, so don't say anything." And I guess thats why I don't talk to those girls at school. But I do have like a few close friends, though. Luckily. 


I opened my eyes, and saw Alexis's face, jumping around in my bed. "Wha-" I said, as I sat up.. "How did you get in here?" I tried not to shout at her. God, why does she do this to me? Waking me up at 8 AM on a Saturday morning. 

Alexis started giggling. I grabbed her around her waist, and started to tickle her. Hoping she would stop.. "Stop it! STOOP" She shouthed, almost choked by her own laughter. "I'll stop if you calm yourself down!" I said, laughing a little. "YEAYEAYEA.." She kept laughing until I stopped it.

I got out of the bed, and over to my closet. I put on a shirt I got from my mom a while ago, when she was in Madrid, saying 'Nirvana', and some black shorts. "So what do you want?" I turned around looking at her with a smile on my face, trying to look not that grumpy. 

"Well.. y-you know that family that are supposed to come over here tomorrow?" She stuttered, 'cause she was so excited. She really did like to meet new people. "Yeah, I guess.." I mumbled as I yawned a little. "They are coming today instead! It is a boy, I don't remember what his name was, but anyway, he's around your age, and his older sister! Thought you wanted to know.." She cheered a bit, before running out of my room. 

I couldn't help but laugh. She was really cute that way. 

But what, wait.. Did she just say that they were coming today? "Moooom!" I shouthed down the stairs to the kitchen, where she was standing, making breakfast. "Yes, sweetheart?" I heard her almost sing. What was she so happy about? "When are those.. people.. coming? From wherever they are coming from." I laughed a little. "They are actually just living some houses away from here. And they are coming around 3:00 PM, so you better get dressed." 


The clock is now... 1:00 PM, so I do have good time. I shuffled my way into my bedroom again, and looked around. What a mess. I looked around a little more.

My walls were light tone of purple, and one of the walls have a lot of pictures of me and my friends, and family. Good memories. My bed had a darker tone of purple and a little white.. Actually, my room was pretty big, and got a good mix of styles, but at the same time it was kind of harmony between everything, making the room look even prettier. 

I started to walk into my bathroom, which was a door inside my room. The fact that it was mine was a calmer. I liked the thought about that there was no one other that had to use it, so I could use as long time as I wanted.. Which fits perfectly with me, 'cause I'm not that quick, usually, at the bathroom. 


I looked down at my phone, it was Alicia. "I hope you haven't forgotten that we are going out tonight? xx" God damn it. I've totally forgot. Play cool. "Nope! See you then.. x" Okey, so I pulled a little lie, but what she don't know she has no harm of. And anyways, she would just make some drama out of it.. 


The clock was starting to get closer and closer to 3:00 AM.. It was actually just an half an hour until they are supposed to be here. My minds went to dreamland...

I hope that guy who is coming over is really HOT.. Maybe he got brown eyes? Or maybe blue, as the sea? I started shaking a little, nervous about meeting him and the rest of the family.. I've actually never had a guy at my age over in our new house here in I Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Or.. there was this one time, but that was for a school project. 

I started thinking about that time I used to be that popular girl, at the school I went to earlier. I was the girl everyone wanted to be around. I even had a boyfriend for some years ago, Matt. And then we moved, and that messed up my social and love life.

That's how it goes when you have to move with you mom, and your dad has moved to Italy with some other woman. Jeez. 



I heard someone knocking on the door, so I took a step towards the stairs, trying to get a look down to see who it was. And there I saw someone taking a step inside. "Heeeey" She said in a cheerful voice. It was a woman around my moms age, which was 40. "Hey Anne!" My mom almost yelled and they started to laugh loudly. After they have been fangirling a little over seeing eachother, I saw this gorgeous girl walking inside. "Hey, I'm Gemma!" She reached my mum a hand, and shook it. Behind her, I saw a boy entering the room. That had to be him. He had brown and curly hair. Aww! I couldn't actually see his eyes form up here, too far away.  Wait haven't I seen him before? No.. or. Have I?

I kept my eyes on him for a while, hoping that no one would even notice that I was sitting there. 

Suddenly, I saw he looked up at me. OH NO. I jumped backwards, and smashed into the door. "God damn it.." I mumbled. I must have made quite a lot sound, because I heard them starting to laugh a little. 

"What is going on up there?" Alexia yelled with her bright voice.. "N-nothing. I just..." I stopped and looked around, trying to find something to say. "I just lost something on the floor." 

OK, now I've totally messed it all up. He laughed at me. I've completely made a fool out of myself.


Well, that was the first chapter. Not that interesting, though. But it will get better. So did you like it? Please vote, comment or/and fan mee.. THANKS AGAIN FOR READING!  Love you! x 

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