Where did they go!!!

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Sara POV

I woke up this morning to the quiet of my house. It was silent and maybe a little creepy because I didn't hear the yelling of my siblings or fighting there was just silence.

My dog Charlie then jumped on my bed and started licking my face to get me out of bed. I get up and get dressed and run down stairs and grab my phone I looked at my messages and calls I had 50 messages and 20 missed calls all from my friend jax.

I then run into the kitchen grab and apple and ran to the front door I grabbed my black jacket, put my boots on and grabbed my dogs leash. I quickly called my dog downstairs she happily came to me excited. I quickly hooked her leash on her and opened the door and shut it behind me and Charlie as we ran over to my friend jax house.

When Charlie and I got there jax was on the front porch crying. He saw me and ran to me crying out loud

"There all gone"

I then hugged him and said

"Who's gone"

He then looked at me and sniffled as he said

"All adults 19 and older and children under the age 14"

Tears slowly filled my eyes as I realized why it was so quiet when I woke up. Jax and I then slowly sat down on his porch with Charlie petting her as he cries into Charlie's neck. Charlie licked his face and got him to smile. We sat there for a brief moment then out of nowhere someone called my name

"Sara!! , Help Sara!!!"

I turned around as soon as I heard it and noticed my friend Jonny run up to me. He had tears running down his face as he said

"Sara it's jorden he's hurt can u help him"

I then stood up and handed jax Charlie's leash as I quickly said

"Tell me what happened on the way,
Jax lets go"

On the way there Jonny told me

" a bunch of the football players came and jumped Jordan they had knifes and hit him with a bat."

We all then ran toward a near by group of teens they all look relieved when I got there I then pushed my way through them. I looked a jorden he was on the ground laying still I felt for a pulse and had a sigh of relief when I caught it but it was faint. I quickly disrupted the silence and said

"He has a pulse but it's faint"

Jonny then realized wats gonna happen and quickly said

"What do u need Sara"

I then nodded at him and said

"I need to get him moved but first I need to get him to a stable pulse , I need a oxygen mask there's one in the ambulance over there"

I pointed to the old rust bucket that was called the Townes ambulance. The second I pointed it out he dashed over to the rust bucket and hoped in the back to look for the oxygen mask.

There was blood everywhere Jordan was bleeding badly I then yelled over to Jonny

"Bring me bandages now"

I then quickly received the oxygen mask and bandages, I quickly check his wounds to see if they hit anything major. I then quickly put the oxygen mask on him and bandaged him up. I then ushered over some strong looking teens to carry jorden inside to a room with a bed. I then got a bowl, rags, and water.

After I got him situated I asked everyone to leave the room. After I ushered them all out I closed the door and I sat next to the bed slowly applying the wet rag to Jordan's forehead after and hour of waiting silently for him to wake I fell asleep on the side of the bed as I woke up to a loud noise.

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