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  "C'mon Jake!!" Izzy called, looking back over her shoulder. Her older brother, Jake Lowell, laughed and ran after her.
  "Slow down Izzy! We have plenty of time to get there!" He called after her. They were heading to their mom's house, whom Izzy hadn't seen since she was around 3. She's 9 now. Jake is 15, and he takes care of Izzy on his own. His mother needed "Alone Time", as Jake had called it. When in reality, she had been getting over a drug addiction. Their dad had died when Jake was only 10, so Izzy had never met him. Jake would often tell her stories about him, and of how amazing he was. Izzy was always fascinated by these stories, and would sometimes imagine what it was like to be with him.

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Around 30 minutes later, Izzy and Jake arrived at their mother's. It was a small cottage-like house, near the edge of some pine woods. In the winter it was really pretty, and in the summer you could sometimes explore the woods. Izzy was taught to never, EVER go in the woods when it gets dark, for a pack of wolves was known to inhabit these woods. Now, you may be thinking, "Well, what if someone's with her?" Well, these wolves are not normal wolves. Many people believe that they are shape-shifters. In more common words, hybrids. And if your bitten by one, you will also turn into one of them. That is, if you survive...
  "Well good morning Izzy!" Their mom said as she opened the front door to an exhausted looking Jake, and an overly-excited Izzy. "Hi mom!!!" Izzy squealed, launching herself into her moms arms. Jake chuckled, walking inside. "Hey mom" He said as he passed by her. "So how have you guys been?" Their mom asked as she closed the front door and deadbolted it, carrying Izzy on her hip. "We've been good, and your looking a lot better now," Jake pointed out, seating himself at the dinner table. Their mom placed Izzy in a chair, and sat down as well. "Yea, I've been doing good. That 'alone time' helped." "Does this mean we can move back in??" Izzy asked, practically bouncing in her seat. "Oh I see, you dont like me watching you!" Jake teased, softly pushing her arm. "No, I like you watching me Jakey! It's just, I miss mommy..."   Their mom sighed, looking at Izzy. "Mommy will be able to come home soon ok? Just, noy right now. But, y'all can come visit more often now," Izzy seemed pleased with this, returning to bouncing in her chair and giggling.
  They chatted for a while, until Izzy got up. "Do y'all hear that?" She said, looking at the door. "Hear what?" Jake and their mom said in sync. "It sounds like, tapping. On the porch," she said. Both Jake and their mom looked at each other, then back at the door and Izzy. Just as Jake was about to say something, they all heard it.
  Ahwoooooo~ "Izzy get back!!" Jake shouted, bolting out his chair and running for the girl, who was walking up to a window. Suddenly, the only sound that filled the room was the sound of glass shattering, and the snarls of wolves. 3 large, grey wolves had jumped through the window, and we're now circling the family. One of them, the largest of the three, snatched Izzy and threw her against a wall. Both the mom and Jake looked away and closed their eyes, as they heard her shrill scream. Then, Jake heard his mother scream, as another wolf sank it's teeth into her. Jake was terrified; both his sister and mother were dead now. The third wolf, a white and grey wolf with bright, yellow eyes, walked up to Jake. Suddenly, the wolf shifted into a person; a teenager, around 19, with yellow eyes that matched those of the wolf.
  "Well hello little boy," the guy said, walking closer to him. "What do you want?" Jake said, his voice breaking in fear. "Oh nothing, just for you to join us. Of course, you could run away, but you'll forever be one of us." He said, just as he sank his teeth into Jake's neck. Jake screamed in pain, and the guy let go. "Let's go guys," the guy called to the other wolves, as he himself turned back into a wolf. All three of them jumped out the window, racing into the forest. Jake fell to the ground, blacking out almost as soon as he hit the ground...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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