Luke and Reader | The Angel's Uncertainty (READ BEGINNING NOTE)

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Requested by: BarbatosSimp169

Sorry for the long time! ^^ It's currently a testing week and I wasn't very motivated or inspired before.

So you probably noticed it's not an "X Reader." This request was surprising to receive, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless :D

(Y/n) = Your name

Note: Luke is a brother figure towards the reader. They are not involved in any romantic relationship with each other, because one, ew, and two, also ew. Simeon is a fatherly figure in this one-shot.


The small blond angel is being teased again.

"Hey, Chihuahua," the eldest demon brother said, a smile twitching on his lips.

Luke stomped his foot on the ground. "I told you, I'm not a chihuahua!"

"But you're like a dog, yapping away every day," Satan said. "This is why I prefer cats."

"I'm not a dog of any sort, you... demons!"

Mammon covered his mouth slightly with his fingers, hiding his smirk. "Oi, Fido."

"My name is Luke, not Fido! Where did you get that name from anyway?!"

"I wished we named our dog Fido instead of Cerberus..." Asmo sighed. "It would've been cuter."

Belphie raised his head slightly from the couch where he was sleeping. "He's Lucifer's dog, not yours."

"Fido sounds delicious." No need to figure out who said that.

"I'm not food, Beel!"

You frowned at the brothers from the common room doorway. "Cut it out, you guys."

Luke's original frown broke out into a smile. "(Y/N)! You and Simeon are probably the only nice ones here!"

You smiled back. "Simeon said it's time to head back to Purgatory Hall. I'll come with you if you'd like."

"Yes please!" The angel ran towards you. Smiling, you both had a light chat

A few days later, the chaotic brothers were over at Purgatory Hall.

"Chihuahua~" Asmo singsonged as he snuggled up to Luke.

Luke didn't say anything.

Everyone fell quiet at the sudden change in the angel's response. Normally, he'd be on his feet, arguing back, maybe throw in a "you demons!" or two, but today, he didn't do anything. Today, he just stood there wordlessly.

"... Chihuahua? Fido?" Mammon tried.

The angel looked downwards at his feet, remaining silent.

"Chi--" someone started, but you cut them off.

"Shut it." You kept your eyes glued on the blond who kept his face hidden from everyone else. Even your annoyance and anger towards the brothers wouldn't erase the look of worry evident upon your face.

Something had changed.

"I brought some pastries Barbatos had kindly shared with us." Simeon entered the room, placing two boxes of wrapped delicacies onto the table. The blond angel's odd behavior was forgotten by the brothers as six of them struggle to keep it away from the avatar of gluttony.


You glanced at the brown-haired angel, who gestured for you to follow him out of the room. Throwing one last glance at Luke, who simply watched them instead of scolding like usual, you nodded, following after Simeon.

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