CHAPTER 1: The Dragon's Call ("I Should Say Thank You")

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The hot sun hit Merlin's body. Sweat practically glued his body to his clothes as he walked up a hill. Moments like this are what make Merlin wish he could say no to his mother, but the desperate and determined look mixed with apologetic she gave him made it nearly impossible. If this is what his mother wants for him then who is he to fight with the woman that raised a troubled child like himself all by her lonesome in a poor and small village.

Finally reaching the top, Merlin took a second to catch his breath and roll his shoulders to calm the dull pain his bag caused. As he looked far into the distance, he could see the kingdom that's supposed to be his new home. Even from this far he knew the stories about the proud, beautiful, and strong kingdom called Camelot were a vast understatement. "Just a few hours more." Merlin mumbled to himself before continuing his journey.

It was many hours past noon when Merlin walked through the gates of Camelot. The corners of his lips moved upwards as he watched the busy streets unfold before him. The sight nearly took away as much breath as the journey here. Ealdor was only a small village that contained so little people and it wasn't special to lure any visitors.

Still a bit dazed, Merlin walked around, taking everything in. He noticed a crowd of people a bit ahead of him and got curious. He got closer to the scene and froze in his spot. The castle of Camelot stood tall and magnificent in front of him. He could never dare to be close to anything like it, yet that wasn't what drew his attention. Nor did the powerful king that made Merlin shiver and stood on the balcony addressing his people. It was the chopping block built in the middle of the square that stole it all.

A large man, who wore a full layer of armor and helmet covering his face, stood beside a much smaller and skinner man. The rightfully assumed executioner stood stone still as guards forced the man onto his knees. His dark hair flailed around, practically hiding the man's facial features, when his head was placed on the chopping block.

"Let this be a lesson to you all." The king's voice rang in Merlin's ear and shook all his internal organs. "This man, Thomas James Collins, is judged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery there is but one sentence I can pass."

Even as Uther Pendragon spoke, Merlin couldn't take his eyes off the man now identified as Thomas. He didn't see Uther raise his hand or when the executioner finally moved to take his position, raising his ax high, or the beautiful girl that closed her window to block away the scene. With Thomas' face hidden by the hair that's the same color as his own, Merlin could easily imagine himself on that chopping block. His heart raced in panic and breathing became erratic. Before he knew it Uther's hand moved back down, signalling for the executioner to perform the deed.

Gasps were heard throughout the crowd and many turned their heads away, but Merlin still stared. Fear and horror replaced any excitement he had. He regrets never saying no to his mother. "When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help magic was driven from the realm." Uther continued with his speech. "So I declare a festival to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin." Cheers erupted and soon the people started to disperse with smiles on their faces, but Merlin still stood there.

That's what this place does to magic users. They don't even feel guilty or ashamed. Only celebratory. That could have been me. Merlin thought. Why would my mother send me here? It wasn't until a loud wailing suddenly broke through the cheers and laughs when he snapped out of his thoughts. The people had stopped moving to watch and Uther turned his regards back down to the Square. Everyone looked at the woman that had caused the sound. She could barely stand on her two legs as she wobbled. "There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you!" An old woman cried out and pointed her pale, wrinkly finger towards Uther. "With your hatred and your ignorance! You killed my son! But I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son."

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