Chapter 5: Why can't I - Liz Phair

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“Did everyone beam back?” What I really wanted to know was if Spock was back, since I knew that Jim and Pike were. I don’t know why, but it was really important to me to know that he came back and was alright.

“4 life forms were beamed back including you. So I assume it to be you, your brother, Commander Spock and Captain Pike.” That lifted a weight off my shoulders. “I’m going to head back to the bridge. If you need me you know where to find me.” And with that she left. I changed back into my uniform and dumped the bag with the black clothes inside, in my quarters and made my way to med bay. I wanted to see how Pike was doing. Once I got there I asked a nurse where Captain Pike was and she told me he was in surgery with Dr. McCoy. Guess I’ll see him later. I then made my way to my office.

Once in my office I plopped down in my chair and picked up my PADD from my desk. I was about to finish going over everyone’s file when one name stood out from the others. S'chn T'gai Spock. Spock. I remembered our encounter in the turbo lift and how intense his eyes looked. Then I remembered what he said to me: Shan hal lak, T’hy’la. I know Vulcan, enough to go undercover as one but those words were foreign to me. I decided to look them up on my computer but I couldn’t find anything, damn it. I started to over analyze everything, since I couldn’t get facts I’ll make assumptions.

Is it possible that he felt the same as I did? Probably not, seeing the way he acted towards Uhura in the transporter room. Maybe he thought I was a stupid girl for wanting to go with him on a time bomb planet and it was just a Vulcan curse (if that exists) or maybe it he wondered why I was staring at him and thought I was creepy but it might be something else. Ugh, this is so frustrating, I’m supposed to be an expert at analyzing people and here I am not even able to find the meaning of two little words. The door rang and in came Bones.

I stood and he said: “Captain Pike is requesting to see you. He’s weak so I’ll give you two 10 minutes, after that he’ll need to rest.”

I looked at him more closely. He had this tired look in his eyes. “Bones are you alright?”

He seemed a bit startled by my question as if he was in his own little world. I then heard him mutter: “Damn shrink, knows everything.” I gave him a soft smile and waited for him to answer. “Yeah, it’s just all these deaths and the fact I couldn’t do a thing about it…”

“Well you know if you ever need to talk…” I left the sentence hanging but motioned to the chair in front of my desk. He gave me a small reluctant smile and a little nod, then left. I followed him out and went to find Pike, while he went to check on his other patients. I saw Pike on a bio bed, looking better than he was on the Narada. “Captain.” He looked at me.



“What were you doing on the Narada? You haven’t had the shadow tracking class yet, plus you were injured.” He was trying to look severe but I still saw the worry in his eyes. Since he recruited me, about three years ago, he’s been looking out for me more like a father than a handler. It’s very endearing.

When our 10 minutes were up, Bones shooed me away from Captain Pike saying he needed his rest. I left feeling cheerful, ─Pike just made me lieutenant─ despite the slight heartthrob I still feel whenever I think of Spock with Uhura in a romantic embrace. I need to talk to tech; I’ll go see if she’s available for lunch, I’m a bit hungry.

Georgia Belle Kirk (Spock/OC)Where stories live. Discover now