Chapter 1: Have a nice day - Bon Jovi

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‘’Do you, really, want to go?’’ I asked Jim, from my comfy spot upside down on the living room couch. I really didn’t want to get all dolled up tonight.

‘’Oh come on B, it’s going to be fun, and you need to get out more.’’ Since I didn’t answer he poked his head from the bathroom, where he was grooming himself, so he could see me then he said: ‘’And beside you’re going to have the chance practice your…’’ He took a moment turning his head upside down, and squinting his eyes to read the title of what I was reading. ‘’xenosynergology. What’s that by the way?’’ He got back to his grooming.

‘’Alien non-verbal communication, what they think and feel subconsciously...’’ I answered distractedly. Hmmmm that could indeed be fun. ‘’Alright I’ll come, but if you get a girl, you go to her place, I’m tired of going for walks a 3 in the morning so that I don’t get mentally scarred for life.’’ Then I added as an after thought. ‘’And you buy my drinks.’’

He gave a small laugh at that. ‘’Deal. If that’s all it takes for you to come.’’

‘’Oh, and Jim, I’m bringing my books.’’ Haha cue evil laugh. I can hear him groan from where I am.

‘’But B, you’re not going to have fun if your reading the whole time.’’ He complains as predicted.

‘’Oh contraire mon cher, to me it’s fun.’’ I’ll be if I get to read a little instead of making sure he doesn’t fight or get arrested or whatever trouble he can make… Well sometimes I do the same but that’s beyond the point. ‘’ And besides I’m not bringing them to read them.’’ He gives me a look that says what else would you bring them for? ‘’I just bring them for reference. And it’s not like you’ll spend a lot of time with me, anyway.’’ He sighs.

‘’Like I said, no fun. But you’re right and I’ll take what I can get.’’ I sat up and decided to get ready for tonight. I put on some music then I went into my room to change from my comfy pink sweat pants and black tank top to a white tank top and some dark blue skinny jeans. Like I said I didn’t want to get dolled up. I decided to leave my shoulder length blond hair wavy, I just shaked it so that’s it’s fluffy and sexy. I put on lots of mascara to bring out my green eyes, some sparkly blush and red lip stain. I put my books, make-up and wallet in my black purse grabbed my black faux leather jacket and put on my sparkly black high heel ankle booties. I put my jacket and purse on a chair in the kitchen and went to make myself a sandwich. ‘’Hey Jim do you want yummy vegan sandwich?’’ I asked Jim tauntingly from the kitchen.

He came in the kitchen and gave me a look of you’ve got to be kidding me. ‘’You seriously asking me that?’’ I took out some baba ganouch, lettuce, mustard and salt & pepper, then I put it all on some whole grain bread. Yum. ‘’No thanks. I’m going to make myself some real food.’’ And with that he reheated some left over hamburger. Meat, yuck. I took a glass of water and my sandwich and sat at the kitchen table. When his was ready he took his and a coke and came to sit in front of me.

We ate our meal and had a casual conversation about nothing in particular, while listening to the music playing which was some old band called Bon Jovi. Once I was done I put my glass and plate in the dishwasher and went to brush my teeth. I then reapplied some lip stain. When Jim finished eating he did the same, minus the lip stain. I then turned off the music we put our coat on, I grabbed my purse and we left the apartment on Jim’s bike.

Georgia Belle Kirk (Spock/OC)Where stories live. Discover now