8) Meeting Loki

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Tony and Francesca watched as the plane landed on the runway of the ship

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Tony and Francesca watched as the plane landed on the runway of the ship. The back hatch opened revealing Natasha Romanoff aka "Natalie Rushman" standing there.

"Go. I have other things to do" Tony said pushing his sister forward. She looked at her brother before exiting the aircraft. The two women walked towards the door leading inside as the aircraft took off again.

"Welcome Francesca"

"Natasha, right? Tony explained everything to me last night. You were a lovely fake assistant if I must say"

They walked into a massive headquarters with every computer and device imaginable.

"Sir" Francesca greeted Fury who was standing by a table.

"Francesca Stark, Dr. Banner" Fury said introducing the two. Francesca shook his hand despite him looking extremely nervous and unsettled.

"Agent Romanoff please show Banner his lab" Fury instructed. Natasha smiled at Francesca before escorting Banner. Francesca stood next to Fury marveling in the technology, the views and all that this ship had to offer.

"We have eyes on Loki and Cap" someone called out. The two rushed over to the computer to find Captain America and Loki talking. Francesca was unaware that Captain America had been discovered and was alive. Instead of pressing questions she continued to watch the battle. Out of nowhere her brother appeared as Ironman. She couldn't help but crack a smile. The two were able to detain him onto the ship and begin the journey to bring him back.

"How is he?" Fury asked a few minutes into the flight.

"Quiet. Hasn't said a word" Natasha informed him.

"Just bring him back" Fury said as the connection cut out. Fury looked around at all the monitors. "Bring the connection back up" Fury demanded. Francesca once again found herself trying to fix technology she had no clue about. She tried basic codes but found that nothing had worked.

A few hours later they all returned with Loki detained.

"Miss Stark. You're up" Fury said walking towards the room, placing a hand over the security screen.

"Me?" She asked questioning why she would be needed for something like this.

"He doesn't know you. Ask him what his intentions are" Fury said as the door opened. Francesca hesitantly walked in, watching as the door closed behind her.

Francesca further entered the holding room, hoping to get some information out of him especially because she didn't want to disappoint Fury.

She slowly walked in.

"Not many people can sneak up on me" Loki said turning around. "You especially aren't one of them"

"Look I mean no harm. I was just sent here to find out-" Francesca began to reason. She slowly walked closer to the prison cell Loki was being held in.

"To find out my intentions. Too bad I won't tell you" Loki said as he stared intensely at Francesca. "You have secrets"

"Doesn't everyone" Francesca laughed.

"No, I can sense big secrets. One especially that would destroy the whole nature of you being here, helping Fury. Am I right?" Loki asked smiling. Francesca stiffened up.

"Hmmmm let me guess. Daddy issues?" Loki asked a smile pursing on his face. "You in your father's eyes could never amounted to anything, at least not like your brother. Ironman correct?"

"Okay this is enough. Get me out of here" Francesca said to the camera turning her back away from Loki.

"Wait. I'm not done. You're hiding something behind those blue eyes" Loki muttered. He watched her, noticing the scared look on her face. "Perhaps your father created a monster?" Loki asked laughing.

"Get me out!" Francesca yelled furiously, banging on the sealed door. Her anger beginning to build up inside of her. Loki was pushing all the right buttons.

"You failed your father" Loki yelled. In that instant Francesca could hold back anymore. She ripped the door off the seal and slid it open. Loki cackled evilly, growing soft as Francesca gained distance.

She stumbled through the hall, her thoughts filling her head causing her to become dizzy.

"Miss Stark" Fury said standing in front of her. Two armed men grabbed her arms and brought her to the laboratory where the others were.

"What's the secret?" Tony asked as she walked in. The guards let her go and exited the room. Fury walked in. "Does her secret have anything to do with Phase 2? Whatever that is" Tony asked looking at Fury.

"Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D using the cube to create weapons" Captain America said dropping one of the discovered weapons on the table. He looked at her. She instantly looked away.

Francesca just seeing him made her blood boil. Her father's other prized possession in life.

"What's the secret?" Tony asked outraged. He was all up in Francesca's face making her once again angry.

"Oh know you want to be apart of my life. Maybe if you didn't send me off to boarding school you would know" Francesca fought back.

"Don't bring this up. Not here" the two began to bicker back of forth in front of everyone.

"We can never talk about it. It's so fucking annoying that your mistakes just get swept under the carpet while you point out all of mine"

"Maybe if you tried harder in life you wouldn't have made those mistakes"

"I tried to be like you my whole life, that's why I have the secrets I do"

"So what's the damn secret then?" Tony asked throwing his hands in the air frustrated.

"God dammit you want to know? I didn't become that strong by training. A few weeks before mom and dad died, dad had created a newer super serum. He told me it was top secret and he needed a secret genie pig of some sort. I agreed hoping he'd be proud of me for once. He died thinking he failed" Francesca shouted.

"I was right" Tony yelled back all ecstatic. Francesca rolled her eyes.

"You don't always have to be right" she pouted.

"Woah, hold on. Your father created a new serum. Like mine?" Captain America asked. Tony and Francesca looked at him with a frown.

"Where are the rest?" Fury asked, practically demanding an answer.

"The rest? I doubt there was more. He thought he failed. It didn't really work until I left boarding school"

Just as Tony was about to open his mouth to say something an explosion shook the ship causing the floor to cave in. He grabbed his sister, the two falling back onto the floor.

"Get your suit" Captain America yelled fo Tony as they rushed away. Francesca unsure of what to do hid in the corner of the room.

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