a day in my life

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                                                                      *** mays Pov***

i was sound asleep until i was awoken by my alarm clock i rolled over shuting it of my frind sarah came out of the bathroom and yelled "get your ass up your gonna be late for school" i groaned pulling the blanket over my head i heard the door shut meaning sarah left i sat up groogily and yawned i looked down at my sweatpants and my fall out boy shirt i sighed quietly tracing the scars on my wrists i shook my head and stood up getting a towel and walking into the bathroom i shared with 5 other girls i got into the shower letting the hot water run down me  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=150168572 i threw on my outfit after  i got out and i threw my hair in a messy bun i hated going to school i always get bullied but i just keep it to myself im the girl who sits in the back with my headphones in i slid my ipod and headphones in my back pack that was the best thing i had i didnt have a phone or anyhting expensive and the only reson i have this is beacuse my brother gave it to me before he left i slid my hunger games sweatshirt over my head i put my headphones in and quickly walked past ms trudy hoping she wouldent see me she was the one who would beat me i sighed in relief as i walked to school i whisperd to myself the lyrics of heart break girl by 5sos i was humming along until i bumped into a large fugure who was on a skate boared owe i mumbled as my wrist was cut even more i held my wrist the boy on a penny board and curly hair with blonde higlight stutterd i-im s-sorry h-here he held his hand out for me i gladly took it picking up my backpack he looked a few years older than me maybe like 19? t-thanks i stutered shly well i better go i quickly walked away putting my headphones in 

                            *********************skip school************************

i walked out of the school when the biggest jock of the school dylan walked up to me "whats up emo bitch he spoke throwing my backpack into the grass i just looked down please stop i whispered he pushed me back not enough for me to fall though what do you want dylan i suttered out  he pushed me again sending me flying back and slaming my head on a pole i whimered holding my head as him and his posse walked by laughing i sighed and stood up walking over to go get my backpack everything was scatterd i began looking for my ipod that was really the only thing i cared about i looked around scared wondering were it was then i was my headphones in a tree with my ipod i groaned just great i thought to myself  i jumped up trying to get it but i was to short then a tall guy with tons of braceclets walked over with a kid who looked about my age need some hel the tall one asked i nodded blushing with emberassment he grabed it handeing it to me im ricky and this is trevor he said pointing to the one who looked about my age he smiled he trevor smiled bright i looked at my feet smiling well i should get going were do you live love we will walk with you ricky smiled i sighed softly i-i l-live in a o-orphanage i stuttered out trevor frowned lightly we will still walk with you if you want ricky perked up i smiled shly s-sure 

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