You Mess With The Wolf You Get The Pack

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-Darcy's prov-

'I hate walking' is the only that's going through my mind and that Duncan looks really fit as we walk through several towns and barren plains. My legs and feet are so sore and I can tell Trevor and Duncan are beat even though they don't say it. We've been walking for two days only to rest at night and to get some food. And to make things worse we only have one day to find my sisters, defeat them, and return the arrow to Apollo before the solstice.

"Ok, guys... if we don't find the arrow today we might as well give up 'cause-... Oh my gods it's one of the wolves." I whispered the last part to them because it was just across the grassy field, so we all crouched below the high grass so it can't see us. I quick glance at the black wolf and see it has some animal in its mouth but runs away quickly into the forest.

"Follow it!" Trevor whispers so we hunch over just encase it turns around and run to follow it deep into the forest. So we follow the wolf for awhile until we reach an familiar clearing and I hear the girl's voice hissing orders to them.

"I feel her coming... But I can't get a proper read on her if she's in human form. Jillian and Marry go search for them and wound her but DO NOT KILL! We need her to get back at Artemis and all those other gods." Jogelia said to two wolves and they started to come our way so we quick hide behind a tree near Jogelia.

So I scan the area and see a roughly built tent in the center of so many trees and flowers that don't seem like I want touching my bare skin. When I'm just about to say I don't see or sence the arrow a golden light beams out of a blacket outside the tent.

"DARCY!! I know your here!... I can sense you and so can that arrow. Just join us and you will be spared by us." Jogelia screamed as her beautiful features shifted into an ugly wolf-thing. It had gnarled claws and snout that was speckled with blood with ragged gray and black fur that smelled like death. Its face had awful ears had chunks out of them and scares everywhere, the eyes were blood red with no white, and the shape was a mix of human and wolf. That was why she must hate the gods so much. Not because they turned all the other girls into wolves but that she was cursed, to be as ugly outside as she is inside, full of hate and power. And she's just using them as pawns to do the dirty work and keeping them in this form. So then Jogelia calms down again and walks back into her tent.

I tell them everything I think is right and add "Guys... I know why else they sent me... I need to save them from Jogelia and only I can do it. This is what you have to do, Trevor you make a distraction to the wolves just to drive them away from the fight not killing. While they go to see whats going on Duncan will steal the arrow and run as far as you can to the town. And I'll be... fighting Jogelia..." I said in the softest voice possible and while I said that both of their eyes widened.

"Darcy no I'm your protector... I can't let you fight that! Its a death sentence!" Trevor said a little  too loud so Duncan clamped his hand over Trevor's mouth.

Duncan closed his eyes and heaved a big sigh, "I don't want her to do it either but it has to be done and Darcy is the only one who can do it." While he removes his hand I notice it shaking.

"Thanks Duncan...Trevor please let me do this... its the only way..." He shuts his eyes just as he stands up and runs deeper into the forest, leaving me and Duncan alone.

He looks deep in my eyes and pulls me into a deep kiss. When he pulls away he whispers "I love you." then dashes across the clearing and hides in the underbrush. Oh my gods... I just sit in shock for a minute before I hear a loud crash like a tree falling. Then I hear a loud roar that sounds like Trevor and the wolves apear out of nowhere and run towards it.

Jogelia bursts out of the tent and screams at the running wolves. But she suddenly stops to sniff the air and turns in Duncan's direction... Oh no! Without my scent masking his Jogelia will kill him! She slowly makes her way to him and I catch a quick glance at Duncan shuffling through the trees.

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