chapter 26

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The day was going well except Eleanor turning up and jack beginning to teeth, louis phone pinged as robin bbq some food for everyone "haz" louis whispered 

"yes lou ?" harry said

"i need to go to the studio i'm sorry harry i'l be back at two" louis said then kissed harry's lips

"it's alright its only dinner time and you'll be back by two but make sure to eat something please" harry said before kissing louis.

Louis left and everyone looked really confused to why louis just left "he needs to be in the studio i'll be fine to take care of this mister" harry said as jack crawled over to him wanting to be picked up so harry did so letting his son rest his head on his shoulder, he fell asleep so harry carryed him inside and up to his room were he placed him in the bed and opening the window to his room so he wouldn't overheat. He placed the baby monitor facing him on the shelf and took the other one outside with him, they sat out there until it was around three and louis still wasn't back and wasn't answering his phone

"still not heared from him?" gemma asked as harry stood in the sitting room watching out the window 

"nope he should of been home an hour ago he said he would be home at two i've even phoned simone and he said he left with a girl named eleanor" harry said then walked upstairs as gemma followed behind him

"don't do anything stupid harry it's your son's day for god sake what are you doing ?" she said

"i don't know gemma i have no clue what i'm doing but at the minute i can't be in this house knowing my so called boyfriend is more likely cheating on me with some bitch who can't keep her eyes off louis go tell everyone it's my treat and we're going out to the trampoline park oh then maybe a restaurant  for tea" harry said as he walked into his and louis room while gemma walked outside to tell everyone.

Harry sprays a bit of his spray on himself before walking into his son's room "come on sweetie we're going to go and go play" harry said as he woke his son up, once everyone was ready to go harry got the bag full of things they may need and they all got into the cars at three thirty and they left. They reached the trampoline park and they headed inside, they got to the front desk to see a young man named ed "hello Mr styles what can i do for you ?" he asked 

"can we please have a trampoline pass please" harry asked as he held his wiggling son 

" of course you can sir you'll have this hole place to yourself just incase anyone comes ellie go ok the door please" the young man said then let them through the door. Harry let gemma take jack to play while he sat and worked with niall and liam's help with a new song they we're writting. 

They stayed there until five pm when they headed to a restaurant, they walked in gemma was holding jack and everyone else trailing behind harry and gemma "hello mr styles i'm suggesting you'll want to be put in the back that's our hundred people table is located" the adult said as he walked up to her stand

"that would be great and can we get a high chair please ?" harry asked 

"yes of course i'll bring it over in a couple minutes"the young woman said,after everyone had finnished and they tipped before leaving as harry carried a sleeping one year old

"mam i'll pay for a hotel so you're not tiered while behind the wheel so son't worrie about it because that's where i'm staying tonight" harry said as he got his son into the car then gemma got in along with his step dad and mam.

They all got home, the lads went inside first to help harry clean, jay went home with her kids and harry's family helped while he placed his son into bed, louis still wasn't home this didn't surprise harry but to be honest harry was glad so he could leave without him being there so once the house was spotless he headed upstairs to his room.

He packed a pair of pj's, a top, jeans, clean underwear and his spray before heading to his son's room and packing his pj's, a football top, grey sweats,a nappy and hair jell since it was his sons's first day at nursery also he grabbed his son's sippy cup, a pair of mini vans, his new favourite stuffed dragon and his dummy then placed them in a suitcase, his phone pinged and it was a message from niall saying louis was back so he text telling him to distract louis so he could leave. 

He placed his phone in his back pocket and picked his son up before heading downstairs as quietly as possible then making his way out the door and to the car, slowly lowering his son into his car seat before placing the suitcase in the boot and in finally getting into the car backing up as soon as anne did. They got to the hotel and checked in for the night harry had a diffrent room to anne , robin and gemma, gemma had a different room to their parents. By the time harry looked at the time it was time for tea so he called room service, he ordered some vegetables for his son but he asked for only soft ones and ordered some chicken with gravy, mash and vegetables and once it arrived he tipped the crew member before feeding his son his food then digging into his own food.

Once he was done and he had put his son in the bath he put him to bed then went on to sleep himself, he woke up early the next morning around seven am and jack doesn't need to be in nursery until nine am so he got up and went for a shower, he got ready into the clothes he packed before going into the bedroom again and waking jack up and getting him ready. They left the hotel after saying bye to his family and harry drove back to he house, he unlocked the door to see liam awake and ready already.

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