Part 3

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•George's view•

I giggled slightly and bit my bottom lip looking at that last text.

Why won't you show me your face?

I got no reply. Left me on read.

I huffed.

Not even a name..?

Call me Dream.

I bright smile appeared on my face.

I was happy he at least told me a name.

Do you go to my school?

I dropped out of school

Oh ok then um..

Your so pretty..:)

I smiled and put my phone down.

I took a deep breath and looked down on my feet.

I giggled slightly.

"Hey SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" Quackity yelled across the room to Bbh.

"LANGUAGE" Bbh yelled back.


"Language! Stop!" He yelled again

"BITCH" quackity yelled.

Bbh got up and left.

Quackity followed behind him.

"Hey bad, hey bad, hey bad, hey bad, I'm gonna kick your mother ducking ass if you don't answer me" quackity yelled down the hall.

I covered my face.

"Jeezes christ"


Weeks past and me and Dream would call every night.

I was in by way to the grocery store FaceTiming Dream.

Of course he didn't show his face.. it was just a black screen the entire time.

I set my phone up in the shopping cart and pushed it around looking for food.

"What should I get" I asked Dream.

I had AirPods in so no one would hear him.

"Anything you want, snacks, steak" he said threw the phone.

His morning voice was soothing and peaceful.

"Oo steak" I said pushing my cart over to the meat section.

A man then hovered over behind me and slapped my ass.

He then asked for some chicken like nothing ever happened.

I looked at the man.

"Whos that" Dream asked threw the phone.

I didn't answer.

I just pushed my cart away down.

"Who was that!" He yelled.

"I don't know ok it's fine" my mood completely changed.

I hated when people just up to me and touch me...

"It's just unbelievable how "men" or should I say boys act" I huffed.

"If it makes you feel better I saved my mother from getting raped" he said over the phone.

I could hear he had a slight smile on his face.

I smiled aswell.

He was good..

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better that there's actually men in this world that treat other people with respect" I said smiling.

he smiled aswell.

Minutes past by and I walked down an empty ile.

I then set my phone up and started to twerk and dance.

His wheezing made me laugh.

"oh.. my god" i said laughing.

It sounded like he was deflating.

I then spoke up.

"I bet you look pretty" I whipped away my happy tears.

"Pretty!? I look smexy!" He yelled over the phone.

I laughed once again.

"God I love you" I spoke out.

We both then went silent.

"Oooo you love meeeee?" He said in a flirty tone.

"No! It accidentally slipped out!" I yelled grabbing some chips.

He laughed.

"Ok buddy, you say that" he chuckled.

I smiled and put the chips in the cart.

"Meh dick accidentally slipped into you" he spoke under his breath.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

People the started to stare at me.

He wheezed.

My face was bright red.

"Oh my Jeezes lord!" I said pushing my cart over to the check out.

I then heard a thud and some glass bottles fall.

"What was that!" I yelled putting my food uo into the convaerbelt.

"I fell!" He yelled, but it was a faint yell.

I laughed.

He went quiet.

He just listened to me laugh.

I kept laughing as I tried to quiet down.

"God your cute..."

To be continued



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