Thirst For Revenge (Part.18): Wedding Preparations

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Hello guys,  I know it's been long since i published something. I'm sorry about that but i have school and nothing is important than studies. I tried to publish TFR but i don't when i will publish something in Riansh Os Novel but i will try my best to post soon. Sorry for being late and thx for understanding

Part starts:

Two years later,

Now it had been two years since they left India and went to Austria. During those years, Vansh and riddhima became one (they got married). Not only that but siya had a boyfriend now. Ishani and Aryan had been dating for one year and we are about to get married.

In the Morning, At TR House (Trivedi& Raisinghania):

Vansh and Riddhima's room:

Riddhima was sleeping hugging vansh, while vansh was awake caressing her face.

Riddhima (still closing her eyes): Good Morning

Vansh: Good Morning, Honey

Riddhima: vansh, how many times have I told you not to call me honey

Vansh (smiles): I know but you know na, you are so sweet like honey

Riddhima (waking up): ooh, don't start with your flirting manners, early in the morning

Riddhima (raising her eyebrow): what do you mean by to give your honey?

Vansh: aree, honey you are not so innocent to not understand what I mean here. Even if it is for one hour, just give some honey

Riddhima (slapping on his face, softly): shameless boy, you want honey early in the morning. Sugar is not good for health, you will have diabetes

Vansh: it is okay, if I have diabetes because of the honey you will give me then I accept

Riddhima (standing up from his laps): shut up, I am going to take a bath

Vansh (pulling her again): you are not going anywhere until you give me a kiss or some honey

Riddhima was about to say something but someone knocked on the door.

Vansh: aree yaar, I am sure this is mother-in-law; she is always behind my romance

Riddhima: shut up, crazy you are talking about my mother

Vansh: I know, go and open before that person knocks again

Riddhima went to open to the door and found her mother

Priya: I hope I didn't disturb you

Vansh: maa, you always disturbs us

Riddhima: vansh shut up. (To Priya): mom, ignore him. Tell me did you need something

Priya: yeah, breakfast is ready and today the priest is coming for Ishani and Aryan's marriage so get ready

Riddhima ok (she said while Priya left and she closed the door)

Riddhima (to vansh): couldn't you keep quiet, did you hear what you were telling mom

Vansh: what, I said nothing, and you know mother-in-law and me, we always do that. I know she doesn't' mind

Riddhima: If you continue arguing tonight, you will not get some honey

Vansh: what! No please

Riddhima: accha ok, go and get ready, mom is waiting for us downstairs

They went to get ready and went downstairs.

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