Chapter 22: Sorry

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Another chapter for my loveliess!❤️✨

Taehyung's POV

"Why did you lied?" Jungkook said then i lowered my head

"Why tae? Just why?" Jungkook said then let go of my hand

"I-I'm sorry k-kookie" i said then teats started to flow in my eyes

"I can't believe that you'll keeping a secret from me? Tae it hurts"jungkook said

"I'm really am sorry kookie i lied to you and i kept this from you I'm really sorry k-kookie please forgive" i said then run to him and hug him

"I-I'm sorry" i said then hug him

"You know what tae the way you kept that secret from me its hurts me that it's like you didn't trust me, you didn't trust your boyfriend" jungkook said then let go of me that i shocked at his movements

"Tae just give me some time alone" jungkook said then let go of me and started walking away

"Jungkook don't leave!" I shouted but he was no where to be seen

Then i fall into my knees and started crying then i felt a hand caressing my back when i looked at it it's jimin hyung

"Tae come on your dad is finding you" jimin hyung said then i nod and hyung help me to stand up amd went to dad's office

Then we enter dad's office i saw dad sitting on his office chair

"You called me dad?" I said a little bit of sad

"Yes hun and I'm sorry i know you have a problem but i have to say that you have a another task to do" dad said

"What is it?" I asked

"There's this woman stealing our money at our company and i wanted you to finish her" Dad said

"I'll take care of it dad that bitch will know who is the real taehyung" i said then left the office

"Jimin hyung call jin hyung and tell him that we have a task to finish" i stated

"Noted tae" jimin hyung said then i hummed in response


( At the company )

We arrived at our company then i saw a unknown car outside of our company then i smirked that bitch didn't know who his robbering to

Then i signal the hyungs to seperate ways but to keep our earpiece on

"Okay hyungies I'll take care of her and you both take care of her nasty guards okay?" i said then all of them agreed

"Then let the hell game begins" i said then smirked while walking to my dad's office

There are some ugly guards of her are coming to fight me but i just shoot them all nobody cares for this useless shits then i just rolled my eyes and kicked the ugly guards lifeless body

"Useless shits" i said then walk through my dad's office

Then i opened the door and saw that bitch trying to break the vault behind my mom's favorite painting

"Who are you?" that bitch said

"Me? Hm you didn't know me whore?" I said then she glared at me when i called her whore

"What did you say slut?" that bitch said

"Well i mean your so useless you know and trying to rob OUR money?" I said then stated the word "our"

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