This happend to me today

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There is this girl in my P.E class that always asks me questions. Things like "Why are you so quiet?" Or sometimes its more serious, like "Do you think about suicide?"  because she's seen me with my sleeve's rolled up. But today...
It was weird, I was sitting by her and we had talked a little that class, but small talk ya know. I turned to her and said "So I assume you have questions..." She sat for a minute and said "I don't think so" I nodded "I'm pretty opened minded since the 1st question you ever asked me is ""Do you think about suicide?"'" She looked away for a minute "I didn't say that. Did I? I don't really remember" then said "Does it hurt? Ya know when you...(she pointed to her forearm) Cut?..." I looked down a little, then replied "Not really, but in the moment your so numb you don't realize how bad it does hurt" She looked at me...with such..interest. She said "Does,blood come out?" I nodded and looked at her sideways. I mean that's a weird thing to ask about that. She asked almost right away "Like....Allot?" I shrugged a little "That depends. Don't ever do it. Its like drugs, the "Just one to try it I can control myself", cuz in the end, you can't" She leaned a little closer "What do you do when you do it? Just grab a knife and go to your room and do it?" I shook my head again "Well that depends. I normally wait for everyone to go to sleep.And I don't use a knife..." She looked at me closer and whispered "Have you done it recently?" I shrugged "A few days before valentines day" The girl looked at my arms then back at me confused. I had cut on my ankle, but she had just automatically though you only cut on your arms. I said "People cut on more than just their arms you know" She nodded.
I haven't talked to her since then
though that was today but still
Ok guys I know this isn't a poem book but It was interesting to me. And btw you should listen to the song told ya so from get scared

a cutting poem-insecutity killsWhere stories live. Discover now