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Everybody knows him. For his appearance, his strength in battle, the power he wields. There is not a single person in the East Blue, not a single one on the Grand Line, and maybe not even a single one in the New World, who hasn't heard of him, of his deeds and his great power. They fear him for it. Hate him.

People say he is dangerous, a threat to all who might be unfortunate enough to come closer to him than a ships length of distance. They call him a demon. A beast. An abnormality. And at first glance, they could even have been right with the names he was given. He is a fighter after all, and fighters are known to be ruthless creatures, afraid of nothing, with nothing to lose.

"But it's even worse with him", people say, "he truly is a demon, hiding underneath a man's skin. You can see it in his eyes, and in the way he moves. Like death itself, ripping it's unholy blade through bodies and souls equally. You can see it in the way his feet move, like he doesn't need to dwell on the earth's strength beneath him, and in his frightening speed. You can see it in the blood he leaves everywhere he goes." A man you don't want for a friend, and even less for an enemy.

But I know better than them. They don't hear him laugh at stupid jokes, don't see him blush when he is nervous, don't know the softness of his touch, not like I do. All they see is blood and strength and bared teeth. But they are missing out on so many small details, and I almost pity them for it. They see his deadly body; nobody cares that he has a soul, too.

A soul, and a heart so kind, it doesn't seem to fit into the image that was painted on him. It almost seems as if there were two different versions of the same man. One dangerous and bloodstained, the other one kind and shy. One a demon, the other one just a man. Two sides, but both belonging to him.

So, what if he is a demon? He is more than his reputation, more than what others see in him. All that doesn't matter, as long as somebody sees the real person behind the frightening images. And I do. I can see his soft smile, hear his little laugh, feel the tender touch of his hands. I can see him while training to protect the ones he calls his family. A demon, maybe, but one with a kind soul, a loving heart, a soft touch. Do such demons exist? I don't know, and I don't think I want to.

So maybe he was a demon after all. But who said a demon couldn't be loved?

Demon - ZoSan [One Piece Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now