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Brooklyn POV

" What happened?" Jano  asked running towards me with kacey car seat.

" Lo- Look" I stuttered as i pointed at the floor.

" We needa go NOW!!! I'll go in the house and get y'all some clothes for tonight." He said as i grabbed kacey car seat and ran him to the car and sat in the back with him.

Jano came back with my clothes , Kaceys and His. I was so scared. I couldn't even think straight.

" You good?" Jano asked starting up the car.

" Yeah ... But where we going?" I asked looking down playing with kacey hair.

" To the safe house" he told me like i knew where the fuck it is. But then his phone rang and he started talking to someone. I'm guessing my brothers or Rico?

"We heading to the safe house now! Meet us there."

"Send a crew to clean the mess up."

" Ight give me the identity of every nigga laying on the floor."

" Get it Done!" He yelled giving orders through the phone.

" What was that about?" i asked leaning towards the front.

" Y'all can't stay there no more. I got y'all a place at one of the houses my dad own. Tomorrow Me and the gang gon go pack up the house. You can't tell nobody where y'all at now cuz it ain't safe for y'all no more. Imma need you call Kennedy and tell her to pack all her stuff cause we about to come pick her up." He explained to me.

" Ight." i said calling Kennedy.

1 hour later🕒

" Ight we here" Jano said getting out the car and opening the door for me and Kennedy.

" Lemme grab nephew and y'all grabbed y'all bags." Jano said picking kacey car seat up.

As i got out the car i see this big ass house.

This house gon be quiet asf

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This house gon be quiet asf.😐

I spoke to soon. As soon as i said that the other three hell raisers pulled up. Grabbing all they bags out of the trunk and running to the door.

" Damn." I blankly said.

"" I know right". Kennedy said 

We opened the door to the house and i mean damn.... This shit was huge. I swear you could fit our whole house in the living room. I forgot the most important thing you do in a new house.

Bitch you gotta run and find a good room. So you know me I hit that ... She's a runner she's a track star 🏃🏾‍♀️💫 Bitch one false move and i would've been falling like Biden.

Until we meet again💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora