Chapter Five: Idiotic Husbands And Strange Girls

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After leaving (running) to the bedroom, Mike locked the door and ran a hand down his face with a long, drawn-out sigh. Gods, what was wrong with him? Why couldn't he do as Carla said and talk to Ed? They were full-grown married men, for Odin's sake! Yet, it seemed like he was incapable. He'd tried, Gods know, but he couldn't seem to face the conversation. Ed, for his part, hadn't seemed entirely bothered. Disappointed, yes, and frustrated at times, but not overall upset at Micheal's inability to speak about this critical matter. He sighed again, moving to the window and watching traffic. Edward was there when Mike got himself sick, he took care of him, and Mike hated that he struggled with this. He needed to explain. He owed Ed that much. Below, a bus pulled to a stop, a rush of people getting off. Nameless faces all dispersing as the bus left, save for one; A little girl about six or so in a blue-and-white-striped dress, looking around unsure. Micheal perked when he saw her, eyes flashing as he tried to see where her parents had gone. Surely they'd just gotten separated in the crowd? She seemed to make her mind up about something and went to the crosswalk, pressing the button and waiting for the light to turn red. Someone approached her, a man in a black hoodie, and Mike's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"–So then I'm all like, 'well get him off'a there!', and Mike is just standing there like an idiot making this dumb face! I can't even recreate it; It was like his brain had melted out his nose. Anyway, long story short, I got the kid off of the top of the refrigerator, and everything was fine, but they never contacted us again." Carla sat, looking stunned.

"Wow. What a story."

"Right? That family didn't ask us to babysit again, but there was this other couple–"

"HEY!" Carla and Edward jumped when the loud shout sounded from outside, along with several car horns and screeching tires. Edward tore open the front door and watched dumbstruck as Micheal tackled, punched, and hogtied a man across the street, a kid watching him do so with wide eyes. Oh boy, now what? Kidnapping? Mugging? Kicking a puppy?

"Mike!" Micheal didn't look up until the man was tightly secure, groaning and wiggling pathetically. Yikes, talk about lame. Wait a minute–

"Did you use one of my shirts to tie him up?!" 

"What was I supposed to use? The convenient bundle of rope in my bedside drawer?" 

"Well, if you have it, then yeah!" A police cruiser pulled up, and two officers loaded the man up, not batting an eye at his predicament. 

"So what happened?" Ed asked. Mike scowled.

"I saw the scumbag try to steal a kid's purse!" Psh, really? Talk about stealing candy from a baby. The guy really was lame. 

"Well, nice save, babe. You ok?" He eyed Mike up and down, happy to see he looked fine. Mike nodded with a soft smile, grabbing Edward's hand and squeezing it.

"I'm ok. Better since I was able to help." 

"Uh, 'scuse me, sirs?" The two men turned to see the girl standing nearby, grey eyes big and bright as she stared at them. Edward blinked.

"Are you lost?" He asked her.

"I've been looking for you!" She said, ignoring his question. He turned to look at Mike, who shrugged.

"Um, well, congrats! Here I am?" She pushed past him to Mike, latching onto his hand that was easily as big as her head, staring up at him in awe. 

"It's you!" The look on Micheal's face nearly made Edward bowl over with laughter– Lips pursed and eyes wide, face going red as he spluttered.

"What are you–?"

"Everything ok here?" One of the police officers asked, having noticed the strange girl. 

"Actually, I think she's lost her parents. Do you think you could–"

"NO!" She screamed, backing away from them all. "NO! I stay here!" 

Mike held out his hands placatingly. "Hey, hey, it's ok. Just relax, ok? We just want to find your mommy and daddy." Her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head, backing away more before suddenly turning and running away.

"Hey! Wait! Come back!" He yelled, but she was already gone. Feeling puzzled and more than a little upset, Mike huffed, shoulders sagging. Edward placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let her go."He said.

"She's just a kid! We can't leave her."

"We can try looking for her, but I think we should give her some time. We don't want her to feel like she's being hunted down or something." Mike nodded hesitantly, and the two left as the police car drove off. 

"What the hell was that all about?" Carla asked. Edward shrugged.

"Don't ask me; I got no clue. Some girl that was lost. She freaked out when we tried to find her parents. We're gonna go looking for her later." Carla made a face but didn't comment, simply sitting back at the table. Edward huffed. Man, could this week get any weirder?

"Come on out! We just want to talk!" NightHawk called out, glowing eyes sweeping over the street. 

"ANYTHING?" Antennes yelled from across the street, standing on the edge of the roof. NightHawk shook his head.

"No. Nothing. Maybe she went home?" Antennes jumped down, coming to stand beside him.

"Hate to say it, but with her reaction earlier, I doubt it. I don't think we're gonna find her." NightHawk bit the inside of his cheek.

"We can't leave her outside; anything could happen to her." Antennes rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't think we'll find her if she doesn't wanna be found. We can't stay out all night." NightHawk turned to Antennes, guilt churning in his gut as he noted the tired look on his face. It was well past midnight, the two having searched for hours. Ant was right. NightHawk nodded, taking a final look at the dark street.

"Hey," Antennes said. "She'll be fine. We can look again tomorrow, ok?" 

"Yeah," NightHawk acquiesced. "Ok. C'mon, I gotta tuck you in." 

Antennes laughed, smirking suggestively. "What, nothing more fun in mind?" NightHawk side-eyed him.

"Maybe tomorrow." He quipped, smiling. Antennes gave a dumb smile, chasing after him to get back home.

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