Chapter 8 Tinkerbell keeping herself busy

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Tinkerbell finally picked herself up and sinked
in after awhile and she tries to forget about the
arguments with Terence yesterday, now she need
something that can keep herself busy but what
would she do without Terence someone that can
keep her house clean and stuff while she works
on that scepter (kind of)

but just then Clank and Bobble flew to Tink's
house and knocked at the door and she quickly
hides the scepter because she's stubborn to call
for help like the usual

Tinkerbell: oh uhm just a moment

Bobble: Tink, it's us, Bobble and Clank can we get in?

Tinkerbell: yep come on in (she answered
and leads them inside)

Clank: we haven't hear from you for a while now

Tinkerbell: oh yeah sorry, just keeping
myself busy, like the usual, you know?
(she has something on her mind but of
course she puts up her smile not to
think about Terence what that argue
was about)

Bobble: oh my of course (he sounds kind
of comedical)

Clank: we've heard you were looking for

Bobble finished

Bobble: yeah and we wonder how that is going
(they ask interested)

Tinkerbell: oh uhm you see it's not finished yet
and ehm (she sounded so suspicious about this)

Clank: aw why not, we want to see how far you
are with that friendship kind of thingy scepter

Tinkerbell: huh how did you know about-

Bobble: well Fairy Mary told us about it

the guys begged her to see it but of course
the Tinker refused to let the guys see it
because it's supposed to be a surprise

Tinkerbell: huh, oh okay, but don't
worry guys, i just want to keep
myself busy you see? but i'll show
it to you soon, i promise
(she said awkwardly but smiled
at the guys and made them a promise)

Bobble: oh ehm if you said so miss-bell?

Clank: okay, well see you soon (they both waved at

Tink and she did the same)

Tinkerbell: bye hehe

the door got closed and it was so such
a relief the guys didn't saw that scepter
thingy since she's so stubborn to
call for help, even her closest friends

Tink thinks her best friends has better things
to do then helping her out, she gets along
with many fairies but she has a few closest
ones like: Silvermist, Rosetta, iridessa,
Fawn, Vidia, Zarina and Periwinkle
besides Clank and Bobble of course
and she had Terence, her closest friends
at first too, but she thinks the friendship
with these 2 are broken so she thinks
no one are gonna be there for Tink
when her friends has busy things to do
with their talents with practicing and stuff
however she decided to clean stuff on her
own while doing her usual work
since the scepter isn't finished yet

Tinkerbell: i guess i have to do it without Terence

(she sighed sadly)

of course she did everything
on her own and once in awhile
she has a break and she decided
to look for lost things, both near
Tinkers-nook and the beach

(however it was called when Tink
found lost things for the first time
the same place she fixed the box
when her 4 friends, Silver
Rosetta, iridessa and Fawn finally
found her at the time when the
member was smaller, i guess you
can call that area the beach lol)

after awhile Tinkerbell finally
found stuff she was looking for

Tinkerbell: ah yes that's gonna have it i'm
looking for, i'll take a look of it for sure

she flew to her home but then one of her
closest friend showed up, she noticed
Silvermist standing infront of her house
wanting to talk things what she has heard
from Terence when she comforted Terence
about the situation 1 day earlier

yep before it got out of topic, i'm gonna ends
it right here, i hope you like this chapter so far?
stay turned for the next one!! ;)

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