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"Shouldn't you be with the grooms?" Lily asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on her painted lips as she looked at her husband standing on the other side of the door. At least he was dressed for the wedding though.

James shrugged, "I spent the morning with them, now, if you don't mind," He teased before he pulled the redhead into his arms, kissing the tip of his wife's nose, "I'd like to see my other best friend as well."

Lily giggled and shook her head as she tried and failed to push him away, "No we're having girls time and as the best man you should be with them until after the ceremony!"

"She got to come see me before our wedding!" The new father argued with a pout he hoped would convince his wife to let him in.

Lily scoffed, "Yeah because not even Merlin himself could stop her after she makes her damn mind up." She paused when she heard Wynona's light laugh from where she was in the room behind her, "You however, I have a little control over."

"It's alright Lils, let him in or he'll stand there all day and make me late to my own wedding ceremony." Wynona called out as she stood from the vanity she was doing her make up in front of.

With a huff and roll of her shining green eyes, the maid of honour moved to let her husband into the room so he could see the bride. When James got close enough to his fellow marauder, he picked her up in a tight hug and spun her around, bringing giggles from smiling lips. "It's finally the big day Purry, you ready to sign your life away to our best friends?" James asked with a wide smile.

"I've never been more ready for anything else." Wynona beamed, happiness practically radiating off her in waves. It was infectious and the other two in the room knew that the girl about to get married wasn't even close to having cold feet.

Her dress was a beautiful muggle made one her and Lily found in London a few weeks ago when they went shopping together; it was simple but complimented Wynona's figure and personality perfectly. Freshly picked and charmed to not wither daffodils and chrysanthemums were woven into the loose braids that created a crown around Wynona's head before falling down her back with the rest of her black wavy hair. Although no one could see her feet, James knew, much to Lily's displeasure as it wasn't proper, Wynona's feet were as bare as her make-up free face. Despite her perfect posture, the female marauder was a carefree and light spirit and today being her wedding day didn't change that.

"You look beautiful Purry, I'd even go as far as to say your the most beautiful bride of the year!" James declared, looking rather proud of himself for the compliment.

Wynona laughed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah cause Lily was a bride last year so she doesn't count."

"Well obviously, no one could ever outshine my Lily." Prongs stated like it was obvious, making both girls laugh as he winked at his wife.

Lily shook her head as she grabbed her husbands arm and pulled him to the door, "Alright it's time for you to get our grooms to the alter so we can get this show on the road." She demanded impatiently. Even though it wasn't her wedding, Lily was quite bossy and almost seemed to be stressing over the whole affaire. Not that anyone minded of course, someone had to make sure the day went as planned and on schedule. 

"Alright, alright." James agreed before he stopped at the open door and looked back to his best friend, "Oh, they wanted me to let you know, they'll will be the ones in black at the front."

"Are you serious?" Wynona deadpanned.

James bit the inside of his cheek to hold back his smirk. "No, he's in the other room, as his soon to be wife you should really know what he looks like." He told her before bursting into a fit of laughter.

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