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Expressing inner thoughts and emotions is truly not his forte;
He's always wrestled with them, a persistent burden haunting him for as long as he can recall.
He often must muster extra strength, delving deep to articulate his feelings into words.

There are moments where his own anxiety spawns ceaseless challenges,
Struggling to piece together potential sentences in his mind of what he wishes to convey,
But before he can progress even halfway through the process,
He falters, halts, and resigns, as he always does.

He never completes the labyrinth of tasks because, deep down,
He's too afraid to even step forward with both feet still at the starting line,
He clings to the belief that there must be another, perhaps better or worse, way to express himself,
Dependent upon how those around him might interpret it,
Thus, he opts to imprison everything within his own soul.

Even now, he's consumed by fear: fear of speaking out, initiating conversation, facing the discomfort of social interactions, terrified he might stumble or wound with his words.

The voices inside his head overpower his feeble voice.
His lips now seal tightly shut.
Notebooks lie abandoned and barren,
The pen scarcely finds purpose, leaving him with unspoken thoughts that have eternally plagued him.

My Monotonous MonologueWhere stories live. Discover now