Chapter Ten: Okay

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The day after the wedding, Matt brought me to the train station. There was a solemn feeling in the air when I bought my ticket, and he looked at me with eyes containing so much when he walked me to my track. He followed me all the way down to my train, holding my suitcase and my hand. I tried to keep smiling at him, but I was sad, too.

Too soon, we had to say goodbye.

For once, though, when I was saying goodbye, I knew that it didn’t mean it. It meant a little more like a see you later instead of a goodbye. I would call him when I got home and I would call him every moment of every day until we got to see each other again. I was going to march into work and ask them if I could transfer and, if not, put in a two-week notice.

I was sick and tired of second guessing myself, of hesitating. I only had one life and I had to live it as spontaneously and happily as I can, and I couldn’t do that if it was away from the man I have loved for almost ten years. And I think he was happy about that—I know he wanted me to choose him even though he would never say that. He wanted me to be successful and happy, but it didn’t take a genius to realize he wanted me to have that with him.

And it was about time I picked my priorities again.

I picked Mathieu.

“I’ll call you when I walk through the door, alright?” I told him as we stood uncertainly in front of my train, five minutes before it left. I bit my lip. “I’ll text you when I get there, though. Like, I’ll let you know. Or I won’t, if you don’t want me to.”

He shut me up by kissing me. I don’t think that would ever get old.

He pressed his lips against my forehead, breathing in a sigh through his nose and moved away to let it out, closing his eyes as he held me to him. He squeezed me closer for a moment before he finally let me go, his hands sliding to mine instead.

“I’ll always be here,” he said.

And he always had. Seven years we were together and he was always there for me when I needed him, and even if I didn’t. Two years apart and he was still standing there and waiting for me to come home. And now with so many years ahead of us that we didn’t even know a number of, he was standing there for me again, waiting for the train that would bring me back to him forever.

I didn’t want to leave, but it wasn’t forever.

“I love you,” I murmured.

“I love you, too, Kay,” he whispered, looking at my face like he was trying to memorize it. “I’ll be here.”

“I know.”

I stayed there for a handful of moments, looking into the eyes I had missed and I will miss, the eyes I loved and still love. I offered him a weak smile before I walked away, letting my hands slowly slip out of his, reaching down and picking up my bag. I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him softly on the cheek before I backed away, offering one last smile before I climb on board the train, only twenty seconds before it pulled away.

Matt walked to keep up with my window for a bit, winking at me, but eventually it was too fast and he had to disappear behind me. I felt my heart staying behind with me but I knew it would not be long before I was back, and I was with him. I leaned into the back of the chair, taking a deep breath.

The trip away from him was somehow longer than the trip to him had been.


The moment I got off of the train, I saw some familiar faces.

“We thought we should come by and pick you up!” Lex cheered, diving forward to throw her arms tightly around me while Chili Ben waved lamely from behind her, one of his hands occupied holding a Wendy’s cup of chili, shockingly enough. I rolled my eyes a little bit as my roommate squeezed me, murmuring in my ear, “And I also want to hear a damn lot about that boy you were caught kissing at your friend’s wedding—it’s all over Facebook.”

I laughed. “It was him.”

She pulled away, her mouth gaping open. “Him him?”

I nodded.

“You’re together?”

I nodded again, a goofy smile spreading over my face.

“Well, damn,” she sighed. “Looks like I’m going to be looking for a new roommate soon, huh?”

“It’s nothing personal,” I tried to apologize, wincing a little bit in guilt, knowing how hard it was to trust anyone that came through this city. “I just know it will be better with Matt, you know, and—”

She made a hissing sound and shoved her hand in my face, cutting off my words.

“Shh,” she urged me. “No more words. I’ll manage. But you! You found true love.”

“I remember when I found true love,” Ben sighed happily before taking a big ole bite of chili. Lex cooed and snuggled up into his side, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I don’t think he was talking about her.


“Hey!” Ben suddenly gasped, looking between us in shock. “I know! I can move in!”

“Ben,” I started slowly, “you already live there.”

“Yeah, but I mean, like, I could be her roommate. We could make it our first place together.” Ben nudged Lex, grinning toothily. “Just think about it, babe—you, me, and chili.”

I made a face. Why did everything about Chili Ben have to be about chili?

Lex nearly swooned. “Oh, Ben!” she cried, throwing her arms around him. “That is such a great idea! I love you so much!”

“Love you too, babe,” he muttered into his cup of chili.

I grinned.

There would be some things about this life that I would miss, that I was going to leave behind. It was okay, though—I was seeing now that was what life was about, making sacrifices where they needed to be made. Some things needed to end so that better things began.

This friendship might end for the most part but my relationship with Matt was worth it all. I would be with him for the rest of my life if we were allowed it, and I was ready to fight for it with him.

I had missed him more than I had expected I would, and I was done with waiting.

Lex threw one arm around my neck and the other around Ben’s, dragging his head down, as she cheered, “Alright, amigos, let’s go home—Kline has to tell all of the juicy details.”

“Yay,” I replied flatly.

Ben sniffed. “I’m out of chili, though.”

“We’ll get you more,” Lex told him, rolling her eyes.

I smiled.

I would go home, telling my friends about my week away, and then I would get on the phone with Mathieu. We would talk until the early hours of the morning and then we would go to sleep. And when we woke up, I would call him again, just to wish him a good morning.

I would be home soon, and I would be happy.

That was enough for now.


I anticipated this chapter to be a little bit longer, but I like it the way it is, so this is the way it stays! :D It’s over! I thought I would be devastated to finally end the Wattpad chapter of the Relying On family, and I kind of am, but it was kind of fulfilling. It’s about time I left this world behind me, as much as I love it, so I can make room for some new ones. It’s a new year, and time for me to move on.

I love you all for the wonderful journey we have had together, and thank you so much for always supporting me.

I hope you all live happily ever after.

x Riley

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