Psycho Son

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Nagito POV:

My heart felt like it came to a complete stop. "Huh?" I asked, staring into space with zoned out eyes.

Kokichi continued smiling a small, pitiful smile. "It's alright Dad. I'm happy with how my life turned out. Besides, even if I am dead I am still here."

I felt a few tears drop down my cheeks before I wrapped my arms around Kokichi and suffocated him in a bone crushing hug, digging my face into his shoulder.

"Anyway, what were you like in Danganronpa Dad?" Kokichi asked me.

'Shit' I thought 'How am I supposed to tell him his dad acted like a psycho and that was the antagonist?'

Hiyoko snickered. 'Oh no' "He's crazy. He was the antagonist and just loved to cause chaos for everyone else. He's obsessed with hope." 'Oh no no no no no'

I looked down to apologize to Kokichi but saw his eyes sparkling and his body vibrating in excitement.

"So cool!" He shouted, throwing both of his hands in the air. We all looked at him like he had just grown another head. "I was the same Dad!" He then paused for a second. "Except I was obsessed with lies and not hope but still!"

"Wait, do you have a scary face then?" I asked him.

He nodded eagerly. "Wanna see it?"

I laughed slightly and nodded my head. His face went dark, his eyes looked dull and hunted while popping out slightly and a creepy ass smile.

I could feel a collective shiver go around the room as I praised Kokichi and he talked about all of the chaos he caused in the game.

"I guess he's just like you Nagito" Kazuchi commented.

"Yeah." I smiled softly, looking at my son. "I guess so"


(295 words)

Kokichi Meets Danganronpa 2Where stories live. Discover now